Alex Spore
This Bitter Pill

Take a deep breath,
Close your eyes,
Begin to think.

Lean in close,
It's time again,
For this bitter kiss.

This bitter kiss,
You want it so,
So what it wrong?
It'll never last past tonight.
This bitter kiss burns on my lips,
With all the lies it holds.
This bitter kiss,
This bitter kiss ends tonight.

Brush your teeth,
Get a drink,
Grap something quick to eat.

Oh God, it's still there,
Make it stop,
Get off my lips,
You bitter kiss.

As cold as stone,
As evil as,
Beelzubub ever was.
This bitter kiss burns on my lips,
With all the lies it holds.
This bitter kiss,
This bitter kiss ends tonight.

This bitter kiss,
You want it so,
So what it wrong?
It'll never last past tonight.
This bitter kiss burns on my lips,
With all the lies it holds.
This bitter kiss,
This bitter kiss ends tonight.

As cold as stone,
As evil as,
Beelzubub ever was.
This bitter kiss burns on my lips,
With all the lies it holds.
This bitter kiss,
This bitter kiss ends tonight.

Mirror lyrics:

This bitter kiss ends tonight.
This bitter kiss,
With all the lies it holds.
This bitter kiss burns on my lips,
Beelzubub ever was.
As evil as,
As cold as stone,

This bitter kiss ends tonight.
This bitter kiss,
With all the lies it holds.
This bitter kiss burns on my lips,
It'll never last past tonight.
So what it wrong?
You want it so,
This bitter kiss,

This bitter kiss ends tonight.
This bitter kiss,
With all the lies it holds.
This bitter kiss burns on my lips,
Beelzubub ever was.
As evil as,
As cold as stone,

You bitter kiss.
Get off my lips,
Make it stop,
Oh God, it's still there,

Grap something quick to eat.
Get a drink,
Brush your teeth,

This bitter kiss ends tonight.
This bitter kiss,
With all the lies it holds.
This bitter kiss burns on my lips,
It'll never last past tonight.
So what it wrong?
You want it so,
This bitter kiss,

For this bitter kiss.
It's time again,
Lean in close,

Begin to think.
Close your eyes,
Take a deep breath,

Relevant Tags:
TThis BBitter PPill his itter ill hTis iBtter iPll fhis vitter 0ill fThis vBitter 0Pill Tfhis Bvitter P0ill 5his gitter lill
5This gBitter lPill T5his Bgitter Plill hhis nitter oill hThis nBitter oPill Thhis Bnitter Poill yhis hitter Piill yThis hBitter Pll
Tyhis Bhitter Plil 6his Biitter Pjll 6This Btter Pjill T6his Btiter Pijll ghis Bjtter P9ll gThis Bjitter P9ill Tghis Bijtter Pi9ll
rhis B9tter Plll rThis B9itter Trhis Bi9tter Pilll Bltter Poll Tis Blitter Tihs Biltter Pioll Tjis Botter Pkll
Tjhis Boitter Pkill Thjis Biotter Pikll Tuis Bktter P8ll Tuhis Bkitter P8ill Thuis Biktter Pi8ll Tnis B8tter Pull Tnhis B8itter Puill
Thnis Bi8tter Piull Tbis Butter Tbhis Buitter Pil Thbis Biutter Pill Tgis Bittter Pikl Biter Thgis Bitter Pilkl
Tyis Bifter Piol Biftter Thyis Bitfter Pilol Thiis Bi5ter Pipl Ths Bi5tter Pipll Thsi Bit5ter Pilpl Thjs Bihter
Bihtter Thijs Bithter Th9s Biyter Pilk Th9is Biytter Thi9s Bityter Pillk Thls Bi6ter Pilo Thlis Bi6tter
Thils Bit6ter Pillo Thos Bigter Pilp Thois Bigtter

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