Alexandra Burke
Before The Rain

Once upon a time there was a storm
So unreal, it's hard to tell
No-one seems to understand
Once within my mind, there was a name
that I can't even start to spell
Cause I don't want to break again

All I do and all I am
Everything's because of him

My hell, my heart, my honesty
Myself and I grabbed hold of me
I would give him all that I have
But all I have was not enough and
My voice, my eyes will never see
The way they looked and spoke of me
Nowhere I can go to regain
Whatever I was before the rain

Every single time I close my eyes
My mind goes back to where he was
Cause she don't want to understand, no no
Love is not a crime, but it sure feels like doing time
My mind is shut, and she don't wanna let me in no

And all I do and all I am
Everything's because of him


Whatever I was before the rain
Once upon a time there was a storm
So unreal, it's hard to tell
No-one seems to understand, oh


Oh, oh, oh
Whatever I was before the rain
Whatever I was before the rain

Mirror lyrics:

Whatever I was before the rain
Whatever I was before the rain
Oh, oh, oh


No-one seems to understand, oh
So unreal, it's hard to tell
Once upon a time there was a storm
Whatever I was before the rain


Everything's because of him
And all I do and all I am

My mind is shut, and she don't wanna let me in no
Love is not a crime, but it sure feels like doing time
Cause she don't want to understand, no no
My mind goes back to where he was
Every single time I close my eyes

Whatever I was before the rain
Nowhere I can go to regain
The way they looked and spoke of me
My voice, my eyes will never see
But all I have was not enough and
I would give him all that I have
Myself and I grabbed hold of me
My hell, my heart, my honesty

Everything's because of him
All I do and all I am

Cause I don't want to break again
that I can't even start to spell
Once within my mind, there was a name
No-one seems to understand
So unreal, it's hard to tell
Once upon a time there was a storm

Relevant Tags:
BBefore TThe RRain efore he ain eBfore hTe aRin vefore fhe dain vBefore fThe dRain Bvefore Tfhe Rdain gefore 5he 4ain
gBefore 5The 4Rain Bgefore T5he R4ain nefore hhe gain nBefore hThe gRain Bnefore Thhe Rgain hefore yhe tain hBefore yThe tRain
Bhefore Tyhe Rtain Beefore 6he 5ain Bfore 6The 5Rain Bfeore T6he R5ain Bsfore ghe fain Bsefore gThe fRain Besfore Tghe Rfain
B3fore rhe eain B3efore rThe eRain Be3fore Trhe Reain Bffore Raain Bfefore Te Rin Beffore Teh Rian Brfore Tje Rzin
Brefore Tjhe Rzain Berfore Thje Razin B4fore Tue Rqin B4efore Tuhe Rqain Be4fore Thue Raqin Bdfore Tne Rsin Bdefore Tnhe Rsain
Bedfore Thne Rasin Bwfore Tbe Rwin Bwefore Tbhe Rwain Bewfore Thbe Rawin Tge Rxin Beore Rxain Beofre Thge Raxin
Becore Tye Raiin Becfore Ran Befcore Thye Rani Berore Thee Rajn Th Rajin Befrore The Raijn Begore Ths Ra9n
Begfore Thse Ra9in Befgore Thes Rai9n Betore Th3 Raln Betfore Th3e Ralin Beftore The3 Railn Bevore Thf Raon Bevfore Thfe Raoin
Befvore Thef Raion Bedore Thr Rakn Thre Rakin

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