Alexander Rybak
Roll With The Wind

I won't blame the hurting on you
You left in the sweetest way
I won't say that it's you
Making me feel this way
It's the heart and the soul and the body and the brain
Driving me insane
But the wind and the land and the fire and the rain
Always stay the same

I wanna roll with the wind
Bringing distance to everything
I, oh
I wanna sit by the fire
And glance at the pouring rain
I, I

I won't claim it's all cause of you
I guess that I played a part
It's just that I never knew
I'd fall for you from the start
There's a hole in my heart and a picture in a frame
Driving me insane
But the wind and the land and the fire and the rain
Always stay the same

I wanna roll with the wind
Bringing distance to everything
I, oh
I wanna sit by the fire
And glance at the pouring rain
I, I

I would never blame you for the heartache
I would never blame you for the tears
I blame my stubborn heart, soul, body
Every single thing around me stays the same
No matter what

I wanna roll with the wind
Bringing distance to everything
I, oh
I wanna sit by the fire
And glance at the pouring rain
I, I

I wanna roll with the wind
Bringing distance to everything
I, oh
I wanna sit by the fire
And glance at the pouring rain
I, I

Mirror lyrics:

I, I
And glance at the pouring rain
I wanna sit by the fire
I, oh
Bringing distance to everything
I wanna roll with the wind

I, I
And glance at the pouring rain
I wanna sit by the fire
I, oh
Bringing distance to everything
I wanna roll with the wind

No matter what
Every single thing around me stays the same
I blame my stubborn heart, soul, body
I would never blame you for the tears
I would never blame you for the heartache

I, I
And glance at the pouring rain
I wanna sit by the fire
I, oh
Bringing distance to everything
I wanna roll with the wind

Always stay the same
But the wind and the land and the fire and the rain
Driving me insane
There's a hole in my heart and a picture in a frame
I'd fall for you from the start
It's just that I never knew
I guess that I played a part
I won't claim it's all cause of you

I, I
And glance at the pouring rain
I wanna sit by the fire
I, oh
Bringing distance to everything
I wanna roll with the wind

Always stay the same
But the wind and the land and the fire and the rain
Driving me insane
It's the heart and the soul and the body and the brain
Making me feel this way
I won't say that it's you
You left in the sweetest way
I won't blame the hurting on you

Relevant Tags:
RRoll WWith TThe WWind oll ith he ind oRll iWth hTe iWnd doll aith fhe aind dRoll aWith fThe aWind Rdoll Waith Tfhe Waind
4oll 3ith 5he 3ind 4Roll 3With 5The 3Wind R4oll W3ith T5he W3ind goll dith hhe dind gRoll dWith hThe dWind Rgoll Wdith Thhe Wdind
toll eith yhe eind tRoll eWith yThe eWind Rtoll Weith Tyhe Weind 5oll sith 6he sind 5Roll sWith 6The sWind R5oll Wsith T6he Wsind
foll 2ith ghe 2ind fRoll 2With gThe 2Wind Rfoll W2ith Tghe W2ind eoll qith rhe qind eRoll qWith rThe qWind Reoll Wqith Trhe Wqind
Rooll Wiith Wiind Rll Wth Te Wnd Rlol Wtih Teh Wnid Rkll Wjth Tje Wjnd Rkoll Wjith Tjhe Wjind Rokll Wijth Thje Wijnd
R9ll W9th Tue W9nd R9oll W9ith Tuhe W9ind Ro9ll Wi9th Thue Wi9nd R0ll Wlth Tne Wlnd R0oll Wlith Tnhe Wlind Ro0ll Wilth Thne Wilnd
Rlll Woth Tbe Wond Rloll Woith Tbhe Woind Rolll Wioth Thbe Wiond Rill Wkth Tge Wknd Rioll Wkith Wkind Roill Wikth Thge Wiknd
W8th Tye W8nd Rol W8ith W8ind Roll Wi8th Thye Wi8nd

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