American Pie
The Sign [ace Of Base]

i got a new life
you would hardly recognize me
i'm so glad
how can a person like me care for you
why do i bother
when you're not the one for me
is enough enough
i saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
i saw the sign
life is demanding without understanding
i saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
i saw the sign
no one's gonna drag you up
to get into the light where you belong
but where do you belong
under the pale moon
for so many years i've wondered
who you are
how can a person like you bring me joy
under the pale moon
where i see a lot of stars
is enough enough
i saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
i saw the sign
life is demanding without understanding
i saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
i saw the sign
no one's gonna drag you up
to get into the light where you belong
but where do you belong
i saw the sign and it opened up my mind
and i am happy now
living without you
i've left you all alone
i saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
i saw the sign
no one's gonna drag you up
to get into the light where you belong
i saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
i saw the sign

Mirror lyrics:

i saw the sign
i saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
to get into the light where you belong
no one's gonna drag you up
i saw the sign
i saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
i've left you all alone
living without you
and i am happy now
i saw the sign and it opened up my mind
but where do you belong
to get into the light where you belong
no one's gonna drag you up
i saw the sign
i saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
life is demanding without understanding
i saw the sign
i saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
is enough enough
where i see a lot of stars
under the pale moon
how can a person like you bring me joy
who you are
for so many years i've wondered
under the pale moon
but where do you belong
to get into the light where you belong
no one's gonna drag you up
i saw the sign
i saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
life is demanding without understanding
i saw the sign
i saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
is enough enough
when you're not the one for me
why do i bother
how can a person like me care for you
i'm so glad
you would hardly recognize me
i got a new life

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSign [[ace OOf BBase] he ign ace f ase] hTe iSgn a[ce fO aBse] fhe zign [aace kf vase] fThe zSign [ce kOf vBase] Tfhe Szign [cae Okf Bvase]
5he wign [zce 9f gase] 5The wSign [zace 9Of gBase] T5he Swign [azce O9f Bgase] hhe dign [qce 0f nase] hThe dSign [qace 0Of nBase] Thhe Sdign [aqce O0f Bnase]
yhe eign [sce lf hase] yThe eSign [sace lOf hBase] Tyhe Seign [asce Olf Bhase] 6he xign [wce if Baase] 6The xSign [wace iOf Bse] T6he Sxign [awce Oif Bsae]
ghe aign [xce Off Bzse] gThe aSign [xace O Bzase] Tghe Saign [axce Of Bazse] rhe Siign [acce Oc Bqse] rThe Sgn [ae Ocf Bqase] Trhe Sgin [aec Ofc Baqse]
Sjgn [afe Or Bsse] Te Sjign [afce Orf Bsase] Teh Sijgn [acfe Ofr Basse] Tje S9gn [axe Og Bwse] Tjhe S9ign Ogf Bwase] Thje Si9gn [acxe Ofg Bawse]
Tue Slgn [ave Ot Bxse] Tuhe Slign [avce Otf Bxase] Thue Silgn [acve Oft Baxse] Tne Sogn [ade Ov Tnhe Soign [adce Ovf Bae] Thne Siogn [acde Ofv Baes]
Tbe Skgn [acee Od Baze] Tbhe Skign [ac Odf Thbe Sikgn [ace Ofd Basze] Tge S8gn [acs Bawe]

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