American Pie
You Were Right [badly Drawn Boy]

And you,
Were right to bide your time and not buy into my misery
Well the good things are never free
Do the colours of the rainbow look the same to everyone?
And I,
Was rushing round in circles for a reason to believe
Wipe the slime from off your sleeve
You could follow me for weeks
And I'm not going anywhere
Sometimes it's hard to love someone
Till the day that they are gone

And I
Just had a dream the other night
I was married to the Queen
And Madonna lived next door
I think she took a shine to me
And the kids were all grown up
But I had to turn her down
'Cos I was still in love with you

I'm turning Madonna down
I'm calling it my best move
I'll get her tickets to what she needs

I remember doing nothing on the night Sinatra died
And the night Jeff Buckley died
And the night Kurt Cobain died
And the night John Lennon died
I remember I stayed up to watch the news with everyone
And that was a lot of nights
And that was a lot of lives
Who lost the tickets to what they need?

And I
Was busy finding answers while you just got on with real life
Always hoped you'd be my wife
But I never found the time
For the question to arrive
I just disguised it in a song

And songs are never quite the answer
Just a soundtrack to a life
That is over all too soon
Helps to turn the days to night
While I was wrong and you were right

And this was a lesson learned
I'm happy to be your fool
And get you tickets to what you need

I'm turning the lights down low
I'm ready to make my move
I'll get you tickets to what you need:

Mirror lyrics:

I'll get you tickets to what you need:
I'm ready to make my move
I'm turning the lights down low

And get you tickets to what you need
I'm happy to be your fool
And this was a lesson learned

While I was wrong and you were right
Helps to turn the days to night
That is over all too soon
Just a soundtrack to a life
And songs are never quite the answer

I just disguised it in a song
For the question to arrive
But I never found the time
Always hoped you'd be my wife
Was busy finding answers while you just got on with real life
And I

Who lost the tickets to what they need?
And that was a lot of lives
And that was a lot of nights
I remember I stayed up to watch the news with everyone
And the night John Lennon died
And the night Kurt Cobain died
And the night Jeff Buckley died
I remember doing nothing on the night Sinatra died

I'll get her tickets to what she needs
I'm calling it my best move
I'm turning Madonna down

'Cos I was still in love with you
But I had to turn her down
And the kids were all grown up
I think she took a shine to me
And Madonna lived next door
I was married to the Queen
Just had a dream the other night
And I

Till the day that they are gone
Sometimes it's hard to love someone
And I'm not going anywhere
You could follow me for weeks
Wipe the slime from off your sleeve
Was rushing round in circles for a reason to believe
And I,
Do the colours of the rainbow look the same to everyone?
Well the good things are never free
Were right to bide your time and not buy into my misery
And you,

Relevant Tags:
YYou WWere RRight [[badly DDrawn BBoy] ou ere ight badly rawn oy] oYu eWre iRght b[adly rDawn oBy] gou aere dight [bbadly xrawn voy] gYou aWere dRight [adly xDrawn vBoy]
Ygou Waere Rdight [abdly Dxrawn Bvoy] hou 3ere 4ight [vadly erawn goy] hYou 3Were 4Right [vbadly eDrawn gBoy] Yhou W3ere R4ight [bvadly Derawn Bgoy] 6ou dere gight [gadly frawn noy]
6You dWere gRight [gbadly fDrawn nBoy] Y6ou Wdere Rgight [bgadly Dfrawn Bnoy] uou eere tight [nadly rrawn hoy] uYou eWere tRight [nbadly rDrawn hBoy] Yuou Weere Rtight [bnadly Drrawn Bhoy]
7ou sere 5ight [hadly crawn Booy] 7You sWere 5Right [hbadly cDrawn By] Y7ou Wsere R5ight [bhadly Dcrawn Byo] jou 2ere fight [baadly srawn Bky] jYou 2Were fRight [bdly sDrawn Bkoy]
Yjou W2ere Rfight [bdaly Dsrawn Boky] tou qere eight [bzdly B9y] tYou qWere eRight [bzadly Dawn B9oy] Ytou Wqere Reight [bazdly Darwn Bo9y] Yoou Riight [bqdly Ddawn B0y]
Yu Wre Rght [bqadly Ddrawn B0oy] Yuo Wree Rgiht [baqdly Drdawn Bo0y] Yku Wsre Rjght [bsdly D4awn Bly] Ykou Rjight [bsadly D4rawn Bloy] Yoku Wesre Rijght [basdly Dr4awn Boly]
Y9u W3re R9ght [bwdly Dgawn Biy] Y9ou R9ight [bwadly Dgrawn Bioy] Yo9u We3re Ri9ght [bawdly Drgawn Boiy] Y0u Wfre Rlght [bxdly Dtawn Boyy] Y0ou Wfere Rlight [bxadly Dtrawn Bo]
Yo0u Wefre Rilght [baxdly Drtawn Bo]y Ylu Wrre Roght [baddly D5awn Bog] Ylou Wrere Roight [baly D5rawn Bogy] Yolu Werre Rioght [baldy Dr5awn Boyg] Yiu W4re Rkght [baxly Dfawn Boh]
Yiou W4ere Rkight Bohy] Yoiu We4re Rikght [badxly Drfawn Boyh] Youu Wdre R8ght [baely Deawn Bo6] Yo R8ight [baedly Bo6y] You Wedre Ri8ght [badely Dreawn Boy6]
Yoh Wwre Rught [bafly Draawn Bou] Yohu Wwere Ruight [bafdly Drwn Bouy] Youh Wewre Riught [badfly Drwan Boyu] Yo7 Rigght [barly Drzwn Bo7] Yo7u Wee Riht [bardly Drzawn Bo7y]
You7 Weer Rihgt [badrly Drazwn Boy7] Yok Wede Rihht [bacly Drqwn Boj] Rihght [bacdly Drqawn Bojy] Youk Werde Righht [badcly Draqwn Boyj]

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