American Taxi
The Mistake (burning Hot Girls)

Matchbooks under cigarettes
Lighting your silhouette
Just accept, I'll say anything
This place is a mess you think
Buy you another drink
Another drink anything you want
'Bout time that you lose your friends
Back to my place
I don't want to talk
I want everything
Are you driving me home?
Are you driving me home?

Street lights on your coma eyes
I'm in no shape to drive
Besides you're fine
I'll say anything
Get us out of the parking lot
Swerving behind the cops
Eyes on the road
I got everything you want
Like secrets to haunt
I got memories to block
I got the gun
To blow everything
Are you driving me home?
Are you driving me home?

I will be the razor, baby
I will be the pill
I am the ambulance that never comes
The antidote you spill
And in the accident
I'll be the failure in your brakes
I am the truth you couldn't take
I am the mistake
Worst you ever made

Your doubts follow you through the door
What do you do it for?
You need more and more
To feel anything
Each night and it's someone else
It's the last time you can tell yourself
You can tell yourself
Anything you want
Coat off and you climb the stairs
Intentions are very clear
I don't want to talk
I want everything
Are you driving me home?
Are you driving me home?

I will be the razor, baby
I will be the pill
I am the ambulance that never comes
The antidote you spill
And in the accident
I'll be the failure in your brakes
I am the truth you couldn't take
I am the mistake
Worst you ever made

I will be the razor, baby
I will be the pill
I am the ambulance that never comes
The antidote you spill
And in the accident
I'll be the failure in your brakes
I am the truth you couldn't take
I am the mistake

I will be the razor, baby
I will be the pill
I am the ambulance that never comes
The antidote you spill
And in the accident
I'll be the failure in your brakes
I am the truth you couldn't take
I am the mistake
Worst you ever made

Mirror lyrics:

Worst you ever made
I am the mistake
I am the truth you couldn't take
I'll be the failure in your brakes
And in the accident
The antidote you spill
I am the ambulance that never comes
I will be the pill
I will be the razor, baby

I am the mistake
I am the truth you couldn't take
I'll be the failure in your brakes
And in the accident
The antidote you spill
I am the ambulance that never comes
I will be the pill
I will be the razor, baby

Worst you ever made
I am the mistake
I am the truth you couldn't take
I'll be the failure in your brakes
And in the accident
The antidote you spill
I am the ambulance that never comes
I will be the pill
I will be the razor, baby

Are you driving me home?
Are you driving me home?
I want everything
I don't want to talk
Intentions are very clear
Coat off and you climb the stairs
Anything you want
You can tell yourself
It's the last time you can tell yourself
Each night and it's someone else
To feel anything
You need more and more
What do you do it for?
Your doubts follow you through the door

Worst you ever made
I am the mistake
I am the truth you couldn't take
I'll be the failure in your brakes
And in the accident
The antidote you spill
I am the ambulance that never comes
I will be the pill
I will be the razor, baby

Are you driving me home?
Are you driving me home?
To blow everything
I got the gun
I got memories to block
Like secrets to haunt
I got everything you want
Eyes on the road
Swerving behind the cops
Get us out of the parking lot
I'll say anything
Besides you're fine
I'm in no shape to drive
Street lights on your coma eyes

Are you driving me home?
Are you driving me home?
I want everything
I don't want to talk
Back to my place
'Bout time that you lose your friends
Another drink anything you want
Buy you another drink
This place is a mess you think
Just accept, I'll say anything
Lighting your silhouette
Matchbooks under cigarettes

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMistake ((burning HHot GGirls) he istake burning ot irls) hTe iMstake b(urning oHt iGrls) fhe jistake (bburning jot hirls) fThe jMistake (urning jHot hGirls)
Tfhe Mjistake (ubrning Hjot Ghirls) 5he kistake (vurning uot yirls) 5The kMistake (vburning uHot yGirls) T5he Mkistake (bvurning Huot Gyirls) hhe nistake (gurning not birls)
hThe nMistake (gburning nHot bGirls) Thhe Mnistake (bgurning Hnot Gbirls) yhe Miistake (nurning bot virls) yThe Mstake (nburning bHot vGirls) Tyhe Msitake (bnurning Hbot Gvirls)
6he Mjstake (hurning got firls) 6The (hburning gHot fGirls) T6he Mijstake (bhurning Hgot Gfirls) ghe M9stake (buurning yot tirls) gThe M9istake (brning yHot tGirls)
Tghe Mi9stake (bruning Hyot Gtirls) rhe Mlstake (bhrning Hoot Giirls) rThe Mlistake Ht Grls) Trhe Milstake (buhrning Hto Grils) Mostake (b7rning Hkt Gjrls)
Te Moistake (b7urning Hkot Gjirls) Teh Miostake (bu7rning Hokt Gijrls) Tje Mkstake (bkrning H9t G9rls) Tjhe (bkurning H9ot G9irls) Thje Mikstake (bukrning Ho9t Gi9rls)
Tue M8stake (birning H0t Glrls) Tuhe M8istake (biurning H0ot Glirls) Thue Mi8stake (buirning Ho0t Gilrls) Tne Mustake (b8rning Hlt Gorls) Tnhe Muistake (b8urning Hlot Goirls)
Thne Miustake (bu8rning Holt Giorls) Tbe Misstake (bjrning Hit Gkrls) Tbhe Mitake (bjurning Hiot Gkirls) Thbe Mitsake (bujrning Hoit Gikrls) Tge Miztake (byrning Hott G8rls)
Mizstake (byurning Ho G8irls) Thge Misztake (buyrning Hot Gi8rls) Tye Miwtake (burrning Hof Gurls) Miwstake (buning Hoft Guirls) Thye Miswtake (bunring Hotf Giurls)
Thee Midtake (budning Ho5 Girrls) Th Midstake (budrning Ho5t Gils) The Misdtake (burdning Hot5 Gilrs) Ths Mietake (bu4ning Hoh Gidls) Thse Miestake (bu4rning Hoht Gidrls)
Thes Misetake (bur4ning Hoth Girdls) Th3 Mixtake (bugning Hoy Gi4ls) Th3e Mixstake (bugrning Hoyt Gi4rls) The3 Misxtake (burgning Hoty Gir4ls) Thf Miatake (butning Ho6 Gigls)
Thfe Miastake (butrning Ho6t Gigrls) Thef Misatake (burtning Hot6 Girgls) Thr Misttake (bu5ning Hog Gitls) Thre Misake (bu5rning Hogt Gitrls) Ther Misatke (bur5ning Hotg Girtls)
Th4 Misfake (bufning Hor Gi5ls) Th4e Misftake (bufrning Hort Gi5rls) The4 Mistfake (burfning Hotr Gir5ls) Thd Mis5ake (buening Gifls) Thde Mis5take (buerning Gifrls)
Thed Mist5ake (burening Girfls) Thw Mishake (burnning Giels) Thwe Mishtake (buring Gierls) Thew Misthake (burinng Girels) Misyake (burming Girlls)

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