American Pie
Bring You Down [left Front Tire]

I feel frustration sometimes when the words don't come out right.
Footprints in the Sand reveals to me a past scene of my life.
Please stand by me through the thick and thin, though the trials of my life.
He's dealing with me now...
I turn around you're doing it again... you're doing it again.

I'm not trying to bring you down.
I just want you to see what is happening to me.
I'm not trying to bring you down.
Just understand that I was blind but I'm learning to see.

I've ran long enough from what I know is right.
The sands of yesterday are sliding through the clutched fingers of life.
I'm not saying that the fun is gone, or the times we had are in vain.
There's a break in the wilderness.
My narrow path is clearing again... it's clearing once again

Mirror lyrics:

My narrow path is clearing again... it's clearing once again
There's a break in the wilderness.
I'm not saying that the fun is gone, or the times we had are in vain.
The sands of yesterday are sliding through the clutched fingers of life.
I've ran long enough from what I know is right.

Just understand that I was blind but I'm learning to see.
I'm not trying to bring you down.
I just want you to see what is happening to me.
I'm not trying to bring you down.

I turn around you're doing it again... you're doing it again.
He's dealing with me now...
Please stand by me through the thick and thin, though the trials of my life.
Footprints in the Sand reveals to me a past scene of my life.
I feel frustration sometimes when the words don't come out right.

Relevant Tags:
BBring YYou DDown [[left FFront TTire] ring ou own left ront ire] rBing oYu oDwn l[eft rFont iTre] vring gou xown [lleft cront fire] vBring gYou xDown [eft cFront fTire]
Bvring Ygou Dxown [elft Fcront Tfire] gring hou eown [keft rront 5ire] gBring hYou eDown [kleft rFront 5Tire] Bgring Yhou Deown [lkeft Frront T5ire] nring 6ou fown [oeft gront hire]
nBring 6You fDown [oleft gFront hTire] Bnring Y6ou Dfown [loeft Fgront Thire] hring uou rown [peft tront yire] hBring uYou rDown [pleft tFront yTire] Bhring Yuou Drown [lpeft Ftront Tyire]
Brring 7ou cown [leeft vront 6ire] Bing 7You cDown [lft vFront 6Tire] Birng Y7ou Dcown [lfet Fvront T6ire] Bding jou sown [lsft dront gire] Bdring jYou sDown [lseft dFront gTire]
Brding Yjou Dsown [lesft Fdront Tgire] B4ing tou Doown [l3ft rire] B4ring tYou Dwn [l3eft Font rTire] Br4ing Ytou Dwon [le3ft Fornt Trire] Bging Yoou Dkwn [lfft Fdont Tiire]
Yu Dkown [lfeft Tre] Brging Yuo Dokwn [lefft Frdont Trie] Bting Yku D9wn [lrft F4ont Tjre] Btring Ykou D9own [lreft F4ront Tjire] Brting Yoku Do9wn [lerft Fr4ont Tijre]
B5ing Y9u D0wn [l4ft Fgont T9re] B5ring Y9ou D0own [l4eft T9ire] Br5ing Yo9u Do0wn [le4ft Frgont Ti9re] Bfing Y0u Dlwn [ldft Ftont Tlre] Bfring Y0ou Dlown [ldeft Tlire]
Brfing Yo0u Dolwn [ledft Frtont Tilre] Being Ylu Diwn [lwft F5ont Tore] Bering Ylou Diown [lweft F5ront Toire] Breing Yolu Doiwn [lewft Fr5ont Tiore] Briing Yiu Dowwn Ffont Tkre]
Brng Yiou Don [let Ffront Tkire] Brnig Yoiu Donw [letf Frfont Tikre] Brjng Youu Doan [lect Feont T8re] Brjing Yo Doawn [lecft Feront T8ire] Brijng You Dowan [lefct Freont Ti8re]
Br9ng Yoh Do3n [lert Froont Ture] Br9ing Yohu Do3wn Frnt Tuire] Bri9ng Youh Dow3n [lefrt Frnot Tiure] Brlng Yo7 Dodn [legt Frknt Tirre]

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