American Music Club
Hollywood 4 5 92

My revenge against the world

Is to believe everything you say

Balance as you are

On a pile of empty bottles

And even when the world has taken

All your defenses away

There's no way that you can be true

And I'll believe you

I'll believe you

Don't you get sick

Of party favors

That start with a whimper

And end with a whisper

And even when every single one

Of your gestures is a lie

To me, you always ring true

And I'll believe you

I'll believe you

The first time the cops came

They were like brand new friends

The second time they came

They were a little concerned

They said, "We know all about you

You're like a moth's to a flame"

Yeah, we speak too much

And none of it's ever true

What happens to the rat

That stops running the maze

The doctors think it's dumb

When it's just disappointed

I meant it when I said

That I would never see you again

But no matter how dumb I get there's one thing I'll always do

I'll believe you

I'll believe you

I'll believe you

I'll believe you

Mirror lyrics:

I'll believe you

I'll believe you

I'll believe you

I'll believe you

But no matter how dumb I get there's one thing I'll always do

That I would never see you again

I meant it when I said

When it's just disappointed

The doctors think it's dumb

That stops running the maze

What happens to the rat

And none of it's ever true

Yeah, we speak too much

You're like a moth's to a flame"

They said, "We know all about you

They were a little concerned

The second time they came

They were like brand new friends

The first time the cops came

I'll believe you

And I'll believe you

To me, you always ring true

Of your gestures is a lie

And even when every single one

And end with a whisper

That start with a whimper

Of party favors

Don't you get sick

I'll believe you

And I'll believe you

There's no way that you can be true

All your defenses away

And even when the world has taken

On a pile of empty bottles

Balance as you are

Is to believe everything you say

My revenge against the world

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HHollywood 44 55 992 ollywood 2 oHllywood 4 5 29 jollywood 5 6 02 jHollywood 54 65 092 Hjollywood 45 56 902 uollywood e r i2
uHollywood e4 r5 i92 Huollywood 4e 5r 9i2 nollywood r t o2 nHollywood r4 t5 o92 Hnollywood 4r 5t 9o2 bollywood 3 4 82 bHollywood 34 45 892
Hbollywood 43 54 982 gollywood 922 gHollywood 9 Hgollywood 92 yollywood 93 yHollywood 932 Hyollywood 923
Hoollywood 9q Hllywood 9q2 Hlolywood 92q Hkllywood 9w Hkollywood 9w2 Hokllywood 92w H9llywood 91
H9ollywood 912 Ho9llywood 921 H0llywood H0ollywood Ho0llywood Hlllywood Hlollywood
Holllywood Hillywood Hiollywood Hoillywood Holywood Hollywood Hoklywood
Holklywood Hoolywood Hololywood Hoplywood Hopllywood Holplywood Holylwood
Holkywood Hollkywood Holoywood Holloywood Holpywood Hollpywood Hollyywood
Hollwood Hollwyood Hollgwood Hollgywood Hollygwood Hollhwood Hollhywood
Hollyhwood Holl6wood Holl6ywood Holly6wood Holluwood

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