Alesha Dixon
Do You Know The Way It Feels

You felt the pain
Of a love so deep you think
Your heart might break
Has someone touched your soul
So deep inside
Did you feel your whole world stop
The moment that
You looked into their eyes
Oh do you know what
It's like

Do you know the way it feels
When you love someone so bad
You can't think of nothing else
But the touch of their hand
And you wonder what the way but no you know you can't
Do you know the way it feels

Have you had those nights
When you can't sleep
'cause a picture of their face
Is all you see
You know you need that love
Like you need air
And you find it hard to breathe
Sometimes when you
Just let you see them there
Oh you konw it's just
Not fair

Do you know the way it feels
When you love someone so bad
You can't think of nothing else
But the touch of their hand
And you wonder what the way but no you know you can't
Do you know the way it feels

Do you
Have a clue
What I'm
Going through
Do you know
What it's like when feel like your just about to lose your mind, baby

Do you know the way it feels
When you love someone so bad
You can't think of nothing else
But the touch of their hand
And you wonder what the way but no you know you can't
Do you know the way it feels
When you love someone so bad
You can't think of nothing else
But the touch of your hand
And you wonder what the way but no I know I can't
Do you know the way it feels
Way if feels

Mirror lyrics:

Way if feels
Do you know the way it feels
And you wonder what the way but no I know I can't
But the touch of your hand
You can't think of nothing else
When you love someone so bad
Do you know the way it feels
And you wonder what the way but no you know you can't
But the touch of their hand
You can't think of nothing else
When you love someone so bad
Do you know the way it feels

What it's like when feel like your just about to lose your mind, baby
Do you know
Going through
What I'm
Have a clue
Do you

Do you know the way it feels
And you wonder what the way but no you know you can't
But the touch of their hand
You can't think of nothing else
When you love someone so bad
Do you know the way it feels

Not fair
Oh you konw it's just
Just let you see them there
Sometimes when you
And you find it hard to breathe
Like you need air
You know you need that love
Is all you see
'cause a picture of their face
When you can't sleep
Have you had those nights

Do you know the way it feels
And you wonder what the way but no you know you can't
But the touch of their hand
You can't think of nothing else
When you love someone so bad
Do you know the way it feels

It's like
Oh do you know what
You looked into their eyes
The moment that
Did you feel your whole world stop
So deep inside
Has someone touched your soul
Your heart might break
Of a love so deep you think
You felt the pain

Relevant Tags:
DDo YYou KKnow TThe WWay IIt FFeels o ou now he ay t eels oD oYu nKow hTe aWy tI eFels xo gou lnow fhe aay jt ceels xDo gYou lKnow fThe aWay jIt cFeels
Dxo Ygou Klnow Tfhe Waay Ijt Fceels eo hou onow 5he 3ay 9t reels eDo hYou oKnow 5The 3Way 9It rFeels Deo Yhou Konow T5he W3ay I9t Freels fo 6ou mnow hhe day lt geels
fDo 6You mKnow hThe dWay lIt gFeels Dfo Y6ou Kmnow Thhe Wday Ilt Fgeels ro uou jnow yhe eay ot teels rDo uYou jKnow yThe eWay oIt tFeels Dro Yuou Kjnow Tyhe Weay Iot Fteels
co 7ou inow 6he say kt veels cDo 7You iKnow 6The sWay kIt vFeels Dco Y7ou Kinow T6he Wsay Ikt Fveels so jou Knnow ghe 2ay 8t deels sDo jYou Kow gThe 2Way 8It dFeels
Dso Yjou Konw Tghe W2ay I8t Fdeels Doo tou Kmow rhe qay ut Feeels D tYou rThe qWay uIt Fels Do Ytou Knmow Trhe Wqay Iut Feels Dk Yoou Khow Itt Fsels
Dko Yu Khnow Te Wy I Fseels Dok Yuo Knhow Teh Wya It Fesels D9 Yku Kjow Tje Wzy If F3els D9o Ykou Tjhe Wzay Ift F3eels Do9 Yoku Knjow Thje Wazy Itf Fe3els
D0 Y9u Kbow Tue Wqy I5 Ffels D0o Y9ou Kbnow Tuhe I5t Ffeels Do0 Yo9u Knbow Thue Waqy It5 Fefels Dl Y0u Knoow Tne Wsy Ih Frels Dlo Y0ou Knw Tnhe Iht
Dol Yo0u Knwo Thne Wasy Ith Ferels Di Ylu Knkw Tbe Wwy Iy F4els Dio Ylou Knkow Tbhe Wway Iyt F4eels Doi Yolu Knokw Thbe Wawy Ity Fe4els Yiu Kn9w Tge Wxy I6 Fdels
Yiou Kn9ow Wxay I6t Yoiu Kno9w Thge Waxy It6 Fedels Youu Kn0w Tye Wayy Ig Fwels Yo Kn0ow Wa Igt Fweels You Kno0w Thye Way Itg Fewels

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