Andi Deris
Child Of My Fear

All I had now is gone
Was not always alone
Not yet shed my last tear
For the child of my fear

What's true for my eyes
Could be all made up in disguise
Once out there now is here
It's the child of my fear

These words I'm singing
These days I'm giving
These tears I'm paying
But my child of fear is staying on and on...

It tells lies over me
Or I'm not what I think to be
Gave up all that was dear
For the child of my fear

Like a silent thief
Stole my faith, my belief
What was doubt now is clear
I'm the child of my fear

These words I was singing
These days I was giving
These tears I was paying
But my child of fear was staying

These roads I'd taken
Seemed all mistaken
Now the truth was spoken
And I feel the spell is broken, gone, forever gone...

Mirror lyrics:

And I feel the spell is broken, gone, forever gone...
Now the truth was spoken
Seemed all mistaken
These roads I'd taken

But my child of fear was staying
These tears I was paying
These days I was giving
These words I was singing

I'm the child of my fear
What was doubt now is clear
Stole my faith, my belief
Like a silent thief

For the child of my fear
Gave up all that was dear
Or I'm not what I think to be
It tells lies over me

But my child of fear is staying on and on...
These tears I'm paying
These days I'm giving
These words I'm singing

It's the child of my fear
Once out there now is here
Could be all made up in disguise
What's true for my eyes

For the child of my fear
Not yet shed my last tear
Was not always alone
All I had now is gone

Relevant Tags:
CChild OOf MMy FFear hild f y ear hCild fO yM eFar fhild kf jy cear fChild kOf jMy cFear Cfhild Okf Mjy Fcear xhild 9f ky rear
xChild 9Of kMy rFear Cxhild O9f Mky Frear vhild 0f ny gear vChild 0Of nMy gFear Cvhild O0f Mny Fgear dhild lf Myy tear dChild lOf M tFear
Cdhild Olf My Ftear Chhild if Mg vear Cild iOf Mgy vFear Cihld Oif Myg Fvear Cjild Off Mh dear Cjhild O Mhy dFear Chjild Of Myh Fdear
Cuild Oc M6 Feear Cuhild Ocf M6y Far Chuild Ofc My6 Faer Cnild Or Mu Fsar Cnhild Orf Muy Fsear Chnild Ofr Myu Fesar Cbild Og M7 F3ar
Cbhild Ogf M7y F3ear Chbild Ofg My7 Fe3ar Cgild Ot Mj Ffar Cghild Otf Ffear Chgild Oft Myj Fefar Cyild Ov Mt Frar Cyhild Ovf Mty
Chyild Ofv Myt Ferar Chiild Od F4ar Chld Odf F4ear Chlid Ofd Fe4ar Chjld Fdar Chijld Fedar Ch9ld Fwar
Ch9ild Fwear

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