At The Infernal Portal (canto Iii)

Per me si va ne la citta dolente
Per me si va ne l'etterno dolore
Per me si va tra la perduta gente
Guistizia mosse il mio alto fattore
Fecemi la divina podestate
La somma sapienza e'l primo amore
Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create
Se non etterne, e io etterno duro
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

Through me you enter the woeful city
Through me you enter eternal grief
Through me you enter among the lost
Justice moved my high maker
The divine power made me
The supreme wisdom, and the primal love
Before me nothing was created
If not eternal, and eternal I endure
Abandon every hope, you who enter

Mirror lyrics:

Abandon every hope, you who enter
If not eternal, and eternal I endure
Before me nothing was created
The supreme wisdom, and the primal love
The divine power made me
Justice moved my high maker
Through me you enter among the lost
Through me you enter eternal grief
Through me you enter the woeful city

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate
Se non etterne, e io etterno duro
Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create
La somma sapienza e'l primo amore
Fecemi la divina podestate
Guistizia mosse il mio alto fattore
Per me si va tra la perduta gente
Per me si va ne l'etterno dolore
Per me si va ne la citta dolente

Relevant Tags:
AAt TThe IInfernal PPortal ((canto IIii) t he nfernal ortal canto ii) tA hTe nIfernal oPrtal c(anto iIi) zt fhe jnfernal 0ortal (ccanto jii) zAt fThe jInfernal 0Portal (anto jIii)
Azt Tfhe Ijnfernal P0ortal (acnto Ijii) qt 5he 9nfernal lortal (fanto 9ii) qAt 5The 9Infernal lPortal (fcanto 9Iii) Aqt T5he I9nfernal Plortal (cfanto I9ii) st hhe lnfernal oortal (xanto lii)
sAt hThe lInfernal oPortal (xcanto lIii) Ast Thhe Ilnfernal Poortal (cxanto Ilii) wt yhe onfernal (vanto oii) wAt yThe oInfernal Prtal (vcanto oIii) Awt Tyhe Ionfernal Protal (cvanto Ioii)
xt 6he knfernal Pkrtal (danto kii) xAt 6The kInfernal Pkortal (dcanto kIii) Axt T6he Iknfernal Pokrtal (cdanto Ikii) Att ghe 8nfernal P9rtal (caanto 8ii) A gThe 8Infernal P9ortal (cnto 8Iii)
At Tghe I8nfernal Po9rtal (cnato I8ii) Af rhe unfernal P0rtal (cznto uii) Aft rThe uInfernal (czanto uIii) Atf Trhe Iunfernal Po0rtal (caznto Iuii) A5 Innfernal Plrtal (cqnto Iiii)
A5t Te Ifernal (cqanto Ii) At5 Teh Ifnernal Polrtal (caqnto Iii) Ah Tje Imfernal Pirtal (csnto Iji) Aht Tjhe Imnfernal Piortal (csanto Ath Thje Inmfernal Poirtal (casnto Iiji)
Ay Tue Ihfernal Porrtal (cwnto I9i) Ayt Tuhe Ihnfernal Potal (cwanto Aty Thue Inhfernal Potral (cawnto Ii9i) A6 Tne Ijfernal Podtal (cxnto Ili) A6t Tnhe Podrtal
At6 Thne Injfernal Pordtal (caxnto Iili) Ag Tbe Ibfernal Po4tal (cannto Ioi) Agt Tbhe Ibnfernal Po4rtal (cato Atg Thbe Inbfernal Por4tal (catno Iioi) Ar Tge Inffernal Pogtal (camto Iki)
Art Inernal Pogrtal (camnto Atr Thge Inefrnal Porgtal (canmto Iiki) Tye Incernal Pottal (cahto I8i) Incfernal Potrtal (cahnto Thye Infcernal Porttal (canhto Ii8i)
Thee Inrernal Po5tal (cajto Iui) Th Inrfernal Po5rtal (cajnto The Infrernal Por5tal (canjto Iiui) Ths Ingernal Poftal (cabto Thse Ingfernal Pofrtal (cabnto
Thes Infgernal Porftal (canbto Ii)i Th3 Internal Poetal (cantto Iij) Th3e Intfernal Poertal (cano The3 Infternal Poretal (canot Iiij) Thf Invernal (canfo Ii9)
Thfe Invfernal Poral (canfto Thef Infvernal Poratl (cantfo Iii9) Thr Indernal Porfal (can5o Iil) Thre Indfernal (can5to Ther Infdernal Portfal (cant5o Iiil)
Th4 Infeernal Por5al (canho Iio) Th4e Infrnal The4 Infrenal Port5al (cantho Iiio) Thd Infsrnal Porhal (canyo Iik) Thde Infsernal Porhtal (canyto
Thed Infesrnal Porthal (cantyo Iiik) Thw Inf3rnal Poryal (can6o Ii8) Thwe Inf3ernal Porytal (can6to Thew Infe3rnal Portyal (cant6o Iii8) Inffrnal Por6al (cango Iiu)
Por6tal (cangto Infefrnal Port6al (cantgo Iiiu)

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