And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dea...
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This city has lost a certain holds inside
It feels so worn being chained here to this life
I've been around and seen one hundred scenes
Where those who dare to tread the wheel
One day find out what's behind that hill

Spend half a life deciding what went wrong
Trying to find out what took you so long
Until you feel it's all part of some crazy scheme
It conjures in your memories 'til
You discover what's behind that hill

You picked me up and we went for a drive
Into the stained glass cavern of the night
You turn to say, your eyes fixed on the rows
Take me from this place I know
The ruined landscapes that I once called home

I don't know what in this world is trying to save me
But I can feel its hand and it's guiding me in sign
From lives I've tried to lead
To the one that I received
Each painted sign along the road
Will melt away in source tags and in code

Mirror lyrics:

Will melt away in source tags and in code
Each painted sign along the road
To the one that I received
From lives I've tried to lead
But I can feel its hand and it's guiding me in sign
I don't know what in this world is trying to save me

The ruined landscapes that I once called home
Take me from this place I know
You turn to say, your eyes fixed on the rows
Into the stained glass cavern of the night
You picked me up and we went for a drive

You discover what's behind that hill
It conjures in your memories 'til
Until you feel it's all part of some crazy scheme
Trying to find out what took you so long
Spend half a life deciding what went wrong

One day find out what's behind that hill
Where those who dare to tread the wheel
I've been around and seen one hundred scenes
It feels so worn being chained here to this life
This city has lost a certain holds inside

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