The Words Unspoken

There's a million things I'd like to say
But you turn your back, refuse to hear
So, I keep it inside and watch you walk away
But, the vision and the words, will not disappear

So, what is it that you fear, as you turn your face?
There is more in this world, than meets the eye;
Reality is what we choose to see and believe

There's a million things you'd like to tell
But, I think I've heard it all before
And I know I'm wrong, I know it so well
Never will I listen to you, nevermore

There's a million things I'd like to say
But you turn your back, refuse to hear
So, I keep it inside and watch you walk away
But, the vision and the words, will not disappear

The feelings we've kept inside,
and the tears we've denied
Always remember it's bitter taste
Remember it's token; remember the words

Mirror lyrics:

Remember it's token; remember the words
Always remember it's bitter taste
and the tears we've denied
The feelings we've kept inside,

But, the vision and the words, will not disappear
So, I keep it inside and watch you walk away
But you turn your back, refuse to hear
There's a million things I'd like to say

Never will I listen to you, nevermore
And I know I'm wrong, I know it so well
But, I think I've heard it all before
There's a million things you'd like to tell

Reality is what we choose to see and believe
There is more in this world, than meets the eye;
So, what is it that you fear, as you turn your face?

But, the vision and the words, will not disappear
So, I keep it inside and watch you walk away
But you turn your back, refuse to hear
There's a million things I'd like to say

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWords UUnspoken he ords nspoken hTe oWrds nUspoken fhe aords hnspoken fThe aWords hUnspoken Tfhe Waords Uhnspoken
5he 3ords 7nspoken 5The 3Words 7Unspoken T5he W3ords U7nspoken hhe dords knspoken hThe dWords kUnspoken Thhe Wdords Uknspoken
yhe eords inspoken yThe eWords iUnspoken Tyhe Weords Uinspoken 6he sords 8nspoken 6The sWords 8Unspoken T6he Wsords U8nspoken
ghe 2ords jnspoken gThe 2Words jUnspoken Tghe W2ords Ujnspoken rhe qords ynspoken rThe qWords yUnspoken Trhe Wqords Uynspoken
Woords Unnspoken Te Wrds Uspoken Teh Wrods Usnpoken Tje Wkrds Umspoken Tjhe Wkords Umnspoken Thje Wokrds Unmspoken
Tue W9rds Uhspoken Tuhe W9ords Thue Wo9rds Unhspoken Tne W0rds Ujspoken Tnhe W0ords Thne Wo0rds Unjspoken
Tbe Wlrds Ubspoken Tbhe Wlords Ubnspoken Thbe Wolrds Unbspoken Tge Wirds Unsspoken Wiords Unpoken Thge Woirds Unpsoken
Tye Worrds Unzpoken Wods Unzspoken Thye Wodrs Unszpoken Thee Wodds Unwpoken Th Wodrds Unwspoken The Wordds Unswpoken
Ths Wo4ds Undpoken Thse Wo4rds Undspoken Thes Wor4ds Unsdpoken Th3 Wogds Unepoken Th3e Wogrds Unespoken The3 Worgds Unsepoken
Thf Wotds Unxpoken Thfe Wotrds Unxspoken Thef Wortds Unsxpoken Thr Wo5ds Unapoken Thre Wo5rds Unaspoken Ther Wor5ds Unsapoken
Th4 Wofds Unsppoken Th4e Wofrds Unsoken The4 Worfds Unsopken Thd Woeds Uns0oken Thde Woerds Uns0poken Thed Woreds Unsp0oken
Thw Unsloken Thwe Wors Unslpoken Thew Worsd Unsploken

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