Androids, The
Let Me Down

Let me down slowly
A dog's life is one I'll never have
The bridge may be weak now
But it'll last.
Look at you squirm now
In the corner as you battle time
No one holds a candle
But that's no surprise
I've got a reason to try

I've got a reason, hey yeah
They say they'll replace you

Your will becomes smaller as I speak
You didn't ever wanna be the one
You didn't ever wanna cross that bridge at all
I've got a reason to try

Time to be reading the signs
I've got a reason to try
I've got a reason, hey yeah
I spoke to my Father

He enlightened me on the subject of life
He said, you could really be the one
Make it count and see what is returned
I've got a reason to try

Time to be reading the signs
I've got a reason to try
I've got a reason, hey yea

Mirror lyrics:

I've got a reason, hey yea
I've got a reason to try
Time to be reading the signs

I've got a reason to try
Make it count and see what is returned
He said, you could really be the one
He enlightened me on the subject of life

I spoke to my Father
I've got a reason, hey yeah
I've got a reason to try
Time to be reading the signs

I've got a reason to try
You didn't ever wanna cross that bridge at all
You didn't ever wanna be the one
Your will becomes smaller as I speak

They say they'll replace you
I've got a reason, hey yeah

I've got a reason to try
But that's no surprise
No one holds a candle
In the corner as you battle time
Look at you squirm now
But it'll last.
The bridge may be weak now
A dog's life is one I'll never have
Let me down slowly

Relevant Tags:
LLet MMe DDown et e own eLt eM oDwn ket je xown kLet jMe xDown Lket Mje Dxown oet ke eown oLet kMe eDown Loet Mke Deown pet ne fown
pLet nMe fDown Lpet Mne Dfown Leet Mee rown Lt M rDown Lte Me Drown Lst Ms cown Lset Mse cDown Lest Mes Dcown L3t M3 sown L3et M3e sDown
Le3t Me3 Dsown Lft Mf Doown Lfet Mfe Dwn Left Mef Dwon Lrt Mr Dkwn Lret Mre Dkown Lert Mer Dokwn L4t M4 D9wn L4et M4e D9own Le4t Me4 Do9wn
Ldt Md D0wn Ldet Mde D0own Ledt Med Do0wn Lwt Mw Dlwn Lwet Mwe Dlown Lewt Mew Dolwn Lett Diwn Le Diown Let Doiwn

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