Andrew Lloyd Webber
Vaults Of Heaven

The Keys to the vaults of heaven
May be buried somewhere in a prayer
The Keys to the vaults of heaven
May be heavy or lighter than air

Open up the vaults
Open up the vaults
We've got to find the keys

The nights have been growing darker
Even darker now than sin
We'll open the vaults of heaven
The treasures are there within

The keys to the vaults of heaven
May be seen in a pure child's eyes
The keys to the vaults of heaven
May be heard in our desperate cries

Open up the vaults
Open up the vaults
We've got to find the keys

The nights have been growing darker
Even darker now than sin
We'll open the vaults of heaven
The glories are there within

The Keys to the vaults of heaven
May be buried somewhere in a prayer
The Keys to the vaults of heaven
May be heavy or lighter than air

We've got to find the keys
We've got to find the keys
To open up the vaults

The nights have been growing darker
They're so much darker now than sin
We'll open the vaults of heaven
The answers are there within

We've got to find the keys
We've got to find the keys
To open up the vaults

The nights have been growing darker
They're so much darker now than sin
We'll open the vaults of heaven
The answers are there within

Mirror lyrics:

The answers are there within
We'll open the vaults of heaven
They're so much darker now than sin
The nights have been growing darker

To open up the vaults
We've got to find the keys
We've got to find the keys

The answers are there within
We'll open the vaults of heaven
They're so much darker now than sin
The nights have been growing darker

To open up the vaults
We've got to find the keys
We've got to find the keys

May be heavy or lighter than air
The Keys to the vaults of heaven
May be buried somewhere in a prayer
The Keys to the vaults of heaven

The glories are there within
We'll open the vaults of heaven
Even darker now than sin
The nights have been growing darker

We've got to find the keys
Open up the vaults
Open up the vaults

May be heard in our desperate cries
The keys to the vaults of heaven
May be seen in a pure child's eyes
The keys to the vaults of heaven

The treasures are there within
We'll open the vaults of heaven
Even darker now than sin
The nights have been growing darker

We've got to find the keys
Open up the vaults
Open up the vaults

May be heavy or lighter than air
The Keys to the vaults of heaven
May be buried somewhere in a prayer
The Keys to the vaults of heaven

Relevant Tags:
VVaults OOf HHeaven aults f eaven aVults fO eHaven baults kf jeaven bVaults kOf jHeaven Vbaults Okf Hjeaven caults 9f ueaven
cVaults 9Of uHeaven Vcaults O9f Hueaven gaults 0f neaven gVaults 0Of nHeaven Vgaults O0f Hneaven faults lf beaven fVaults lOf bHeaven
Vfaults Olf Hbeaven Vaaults if geaven Vults iOf gHeaven Vualts Oif Hgeaven Vzults Off yeaven Vzaults O yHeaven Vazults Of Hyeaven
Vqults Oc Heeaven Vqaults Ocf Haven Vaqults Ofc Haeven Vsults Or Hsaven Vsaults Orf Hseaven Vasults Ofr Hesaven Vwults Og H3aven
Vwaults Ogf H3eaven Vawults Ofg He3aven Vxults Ot Hfaven Vxaults Otf Hfeaven Vaxults Oft Hefaven Vauults Ov Hraven Valts Ovf Hreaven
Valuts Ofv Heraven Vahlts Od H4aven Vahults Odf H4eaven Vauhlts Ofd He4aven Va7lts Hdaven Va7ults Hdeaven Vau7lts Hedaven
Vaklts Hwaven Vakults Hweaven Vauklts Hewaven Vailts Heaaven Vaiults Heven Vauilts Hevaen Va8lts Hezven
Va8ults Hezaven Vau8lts Heazven Vajlts Heqven Vajults Heqaven Vaujlts Heaqven Vaylts Hesven Vayults
Vauylts Heasven

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