Andrew Lloyd Webber
The Rum Tug Tugger

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
If you offer me pheasant I'd rather have grouse
If you put me in a house I would much prefer a flat
If you put me in a flat then I'd rather have a house
If you set me on a mouse then I only want a rat
If you set me on a rat then I'd rather chase a mouse

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
And there isn't any need for me to shout it
For he will do as he do do
And there's no doing anything about it

The Rum Tum Tugger is a terrible bore

When you let me in, then I want to go out
I'm always on the wrong side of every door
And as soon as I'm at home, then I'd like to get about
I like to lie in the bureau drawer
And I make such a fuss if I can't get out

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat

And there isn't any need for you to doubt it
For he will do as he do do
And there's no doing anything about it

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious beast

My disobliging ways are a matter of habit
If you offer me fish then I always want a feast
When there isn't any fish then I won't eat rabbit
If you offer me cream then I sniff and sneer
For I only like what I find for myself
So you'll catch me in it right up to my ears
If you put it away on the larder shelf

The Rum Tum Tugger is artful and knowing
The Rum Tum Tugger

Doesn't care for a cuddle
But I'll leap upon your lap in the middle of your sewing
For there's nothing I enjoy like a horrible muddle

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
The Rum Tum Tugger doesn't care for a cuddle
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
And there isn't any need for me to spout it

For he will do as he do do

And there's no doing anything about - t it!

Mirror lyrics:

And there's no doing anything about - t it!

For he will do as he do do

And there isn't any need for me to spout it
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
The Rum Tum Tugger doesn't care for a cuddle
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat

For there's nothing I enjoy like a horrible muddle
But I'll leap upon your lap in the middle of your sewing
Doesn't care for a cuddle

The Rum Tum Tugger
The Rum Tum Tugger is artful and knowing

If you put it away on the larder shelf
So you'll catch me in it right up to my ears
For I only like what I find for myself
If you offer me cream then I sniff and sneer
When there isn't any fish then I won't eat rabbit
If you offer me fish then I always want a feast
My disobliging ways are a matter of habit

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious beast

And there's no doing anything about it
For he will do as he do do
And there isn't any need for you to doubt it

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat

And I make such a fuss if I can't get out
I like to lie in the bureau drawer
And as soon as I'm at home, then I'd like to get about
I'm always on the wrong side of every door
When you let me in, then I want to go out

The Rum Tum Tugger is a terrible bore

And there's no doing anything about it
For he will do as he do do
And there isn't any need for me to shout it
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat

If you set me on a rat then I'd rather chase a mouse
If you set me on a mouse then I only want a rat
If you put me in a flat then I'd rather have a house
If you put me in a house I would much prefer a flat
If you offer me pheasant I'd rather have grouse
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat

Relevant Tags:
TThe RRum TTug TTugger he um ug ugger hTe uRm uTg uTgger fhe dum fug fugger fThe dRum fTug fTugger Tfhe Rdum Tfug Tfugger
5he 4um 5ug 5ugger 5The 4Rum 5Tug 5Tugger T5he R4um T5ug T5ugger hhe gum hug hugger hThe gRum hTug hTugger Thhe Rgum Thug Thugger
yhe tum yug yugger yThe tRum yTug yTugger Tyhe Rtum Tyug Tyugger 6he 5um 6ug 6ugger 6The 5Rum 6Tug 6Tugger T6he R5um T6ug T6ugger
ghe fum gug gugger gThe fRum gTug gTugger Tghe Rfum Tgug Tgugger rhe eum rug rugger rThe eRum rTug rTugger Trhe Reum Trug Trugger
Ruum Tuug Tuugger Te Rm Tg Tgger Teh Rmu Tgu Tguger Tje Rhm Thg Thgger Tjhe Rhum Thje Ruhm Tuhg Tuhgger
Tue R7m T7g T7gger Tuhe R7um T7ug T7ugger Thue Ru7m Tu7g Tu7gger Tne Rkm Tkg Tkgger Tnhe Rkum Tkug Tkugger Thne Rukm Tukg Tukgger
Tbe Rim Tig Tigger Tbhe Rium Tiug Tiugger Thbe Ruim Tuig Tuigger Tge R8m T8g T8gger R8um T8ug T8ugger Thge Ru8m Tu8g Tu8gger
Tye Rjm Tjg Tjgger Rjum Tjug Tjugger Thye Rujm Tujg Tujgger Thee Rym Tyg Tygger Th Ryum The Ruym Tuyg Tuygger
Ths Rumm Tugg Tuggger Thse Ru Tu Tuger Thes Rum Tug Tugger Th3 Ruj Tuh Tuhger Th3e The3 Rumj Tugh Tughger
Thf Ruk Tuy Tuyger Thfe Thef Rumk Tugy Tugyger Thr Run Tub Tubger Thre Runm Tubg Tubgger Ther Rumn Tugb Tugbger

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