Andrew Lloyd Webber
No One Would Listen

No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears.

Shamed into solitude
Shunned by the multitude
I learned to listen
In my dark, my heart heard music.

I longed to teach the world
Rise up and reach the world
No one would listen
I alone could feel the music

Then at last, a voice in the gloom
Seemed to cry "I hear you;
I hear your fears,
Your torment and your tears."

She saw my loneliness
Shared in my emptiness
No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears

No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears...

Mirror lyrics:

Heard as the outcast hears...
No one but her
No one would listen

Heard as the outcast hears
No one but her
No one would listen
Shared in my emptiness
She saw my loneliness

Your torment and your tears."
I hear your fears,
Seemed to cry "I hear you;
Then at last, a voice in the gloom

I alone could feel the music
No one would listen
Rise up and reach the world
I longed to teach the world

In my dark, my heart heard music.
I learned to listen
Shunned by the multitude
Shamed into solitude

Heard as the outcast hears.
No one but her
No one would listen

Relevant Tags:
NNo OOne WWould LListen o ne ould isten oN nOe oWuld iLsten mo kne aould kisten mNo kOne aWould kListen Nmo Okne Waould Lkisten
ho 9ne 3ould oisten hNo 9One 3Would oListen Nho O9ne W3ould Loisten jo 0ne dould pisten jNo 0One dWould pListen Njo O0ne Wdould Lpisten
bo lne eould Liisten bNo lOne eWould Lsten Nbo Olne Weould Lsiten Noo ine sould Ljsten N iOne sWould Ljisten No Oine Wsould Lijsten
Nk Onne 2ould L9sten Nko Oe 2Would L9isten Nok Oen W2ould Li9sten N9 Ome qould Llsten N9o Omne qWould Llisten No9 Onme Wqould Lilsten
N0 Ohe Woould Losten N0o Ohne Wuld No0 Onhe Wuold Liosten Nl Oje Wkuld Lksten Nlo Ojne Wkould Nol Onje Wokuld Liksten
Ni Obe W9uld L8sten Nio Obne W9ould L8isten Noi Onbe Wo9uld Li8sten Onee W0uld Lusten On W0ould Luisten One Wo0uld Liusten
Ons Wluld Lissten Onse Wlould Liten Ones Woluld Litsen On3 Wiuld Lizten On3e Wiould Lizsten One3 Woiuld Liszten
Onf Wouuld Liwten Onfe Wold Liwsten Onef Wolud Liswten Onr Wohld Lidten Onre Wohuld Lidsten Oner Wouhld Lisdten
On4 Wo7ld Lieten On4e Wo7uld Liesten One4 Wou7ld Liseten Ond Wokld Lixten Onde Lixsten Oned Woukld Lisxten
Onw Woild Liaten Onwe Liasten Onew Wouild Lisaten Wo8ld Listten

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