Al Green
Oh Me, Oh My (dreams In My Arms)

I had a dream
Thinking that you were gone, leaving me on my own
And you, you was there
In some other's arms, giving away all my charms

And when I awake
I want to hear you filling my life with cheer
And when I come back
You won't be alone cause I'll be at home

Oh me, oh my, dreams in my arms
With you at home with me
I'm so glag it was only a dream

(Oh me, oh my), dreams in my arms
Is all I have to hold since you've been gone
I can be so good to you
Help me, help me sing

(Oh me, oh my), dreams in my arms
Ever since you been gone is all
I'm glad it`s only a dream
Let me say one thing

(Oh me, oh my), dreams in my arms
Is all I have to hold since you`ve been gone
Come on back home
Sometimes I dream about you, baby

Oh me, oh my, dreams in my arms
Ever since you been gone....

Mirror lyrics:

Ever since you been gone....
Oh me, oh my, dreams in my arms

Sometimes I dream about you, baby
Come on back home
Is all I have to hold since you`ve been gone
(Oh me, oh my), dreams in my arms

Let me say one thing
I'm glad it`s only a dream
Ever since you been gone is all
(Oh me, oh my), dreams in my arms

Help me, help me sing
I can be so good to you
Is all I have to hold since you've been gone
(Oh me, oh my), dreams in my arms

I'm so glag it was only a dream
With you at home with me
Oh me, oh my, dreams in my arms

You won't be alone cause I'll be at home
And when I come back
I want to hear you filling my life with cheer
And when I awake

In some other's arms, giving away all my charms
And you, you was there
Thinking that you were gone, leaving me on my own
I had a dream

Relevant Tags:
OOh MMe, OOh MMy ((dreams IIn MMy AArms) h e, h y dreams n y rms) hO eM, hO yM d(reams nI yM rAms) kh je, kh jy (ddreams jn jy zrms) kOh jMe, kOh jMy (reams jIn jMy zArms)
Okh Mje, Okh Mjy (rdeams Ijn Mjy Azrms) 9h ke, 9h ky (xreams 9n ky qrms) 9Oh kMe, 9Oh kMy (xdreams 9In kMy qArms) O9h Mke, O9h Mky (dxreams I9n Mky Aqrms) 0h ne, 0h ny (ereams ln ny srms)
0Oh nMe, 0Oh nMy (edreams lIn nMy sArms) O0h Mne, O0h Mny (dereams Iln Mny Asrms) lh Mee, lh Myy (freams on Myy wrms) lOh M, lOh M (fdreams oIn M wArms) Olh M,e Olh My (dfreams Ion My Awrms)
ih Ms, ih Mg (rreams kn Mg xrms) iOh Mse, iOh Mgy (rdreams kIn Mgy xArms) Oih Mes, Oih Myg (drreams Ikn Myg Axrms) Ohh M3, Ohh Mh (creams 8n Mh Arrms) O M3e, O Mhy (cdreams 8In Mhy Ams)
Oh Me3, Oh Myh (dcreams I8n Myh Amrs) Oj Mf, Oj M6 (sreams un M6 Adms) Ojh Mfe, Ojh M6y (sdreams uIn M6y Adrms) Ohj Mef, Ohj My6 (dsreams Iun My6 Ardms) Ou Mr, Ou Mu Inn Mu A4ms)
Ouh Mre, Ouh Muy (deams I Muy A4rms) Ohu Mer, Ohu Myu (derams In Myu Ar4ms) On M4, On M7 (ddeams Im M7 Agms) Onh M4e, Onh M7y Imn M7y Agrms) Ohn Me4, Ohn My7 (drdeams Inm My7 Argms)
Ob Md, Ob Mj (d4eams Ih Mj Atms) Obh Mde, Obh (d4reams Ihn Atrms) Ohb Med, Ohb Myj (dr4eams Inh Myj Artms) Og Mw, Og Mt (dgeams Ij Mt A5ms) Ogh Mwe, Ogh Mty (dgreams Mty A5rms)
Ohg Mew, Ohg Myt (drgeams Inj Myt Ar5ms) Oy Me,, Oy (dteams Ib Afms) Oyh Me Oyh (dtreams Ibn Afrms) Ohy Me, Ohy (drteams Inb Arfms) (d5eams Aems)
(d5reams Aerms) (dr5eams Arems) (dfeams Armms) Ars) (drfeams Arsm)
(deeams Arjs) Arjms) (dreeams Armjs) Arks) (drams Arkms)
(draems Armks) (drsams Arns) (drseams Arnms) (dresams Armns) (dr3ams Armss)
(dr3eams Arm)

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