Al Denson
Fly With The Angels

It's yours if you believe
When your life escapes you like a runaway train
And the place you come from is a state of pain
They can lift your spirits high above the pouring rain
the truth lies waiting in the skye above
You can sail forever in the presence of
Way up here you'll meet a greater kind of love
Chorus: You'll go fly with the angels
Go fly with angels
Go fly
On the wings of heaven you will carry love's flame
Like a voice of mercy you will hear your name
When the stones of life rock your world
Just say his name
There's peace up here in the open sky

Mirror lyrics:

There's peace up here in the open sky
Just say his name
When the stones of life rock your world
Like a voice of mercy you will hear your name
On the wings of heaven you will carry love's flame
Go fly
Go fly with angels
Chorus: You'll go fly with the angels
Way up here you'll meet a greater kind of love
You can sail forever in the presence of
the truth lies waiting in the skye above
They can lift your spirits high above the pouring rain
And the place you come from is a state of pain
When your life escapes you like a runaway train
It's yours if you believe

Relevant Tags:
FFly WWith TThe AAngels ly ith he ngels lFy iWth hTe nAgels cly aith fhe zngels cFly aWith fThe zAngels Fcly Waith Tfhe Azngels
rly 3ith 5he qngels rFly 3With 5The qAngels Frly W3ith T5he Aqngels gly dith hhe sngels gFly dWith hThe sAngels Fgly Wdith Thhe Asngels
tly eith yhe wngels tFly eWith yThe wAngels Ftly Weith Tyhe Awngels vly sith 6he xngels vFly sWith 6The xAngels Fvly Wsith T6he Axngels
dly 2ith ghe Anngels dFly 2With gThe Agels Fdly W2ith Tghe Agnels Flly qith rhe Amgels Fy qWith rThe Amngels Fyl Wqith Trhe Anmgels
Fky Wiith Ahgels Fkly Wth Te Ahngels Flky Wtih Teh Anhgels Foy Wjth Tje Ajgels Foly Wjith Tjhe Ajngels Floy Wijth Thje Anjgels
Fpy W9th Tue Abgels Fply W9ith Tuhe Abngels Flpy Wi9th Thue Anbgels Flyy Wlth Tne Anggels Fl Wlith Tnhe Anels Fly Wilth Thne Anegls
Flg Woth Tbe Anhels Flgy Woith Tbhe Flyg Wioth Thbe Anghels Flh Wkth Tge Anyels Flhy Wkith Anygels Flyh Wikth Thge Angyels
Fl6 W8th Tye Anbels Fl6y W8ith Fly6 Wi8th Thye Angbels Flu Wuth Thee Anvels Fluy Wuith Th Anvgels Flyu Wiuth The Angvels
Fl7 Witth Ths Anfels Fl7y Wih Thse Anfgels Fly7 Wiht Thes Angfels Flj Wifh Th3 Antels Fljy Wifth Th3e Antgels Flyj Witfh The3 Angtels

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