Afghan Whigs
Night By Candlelight

Repeat these words
After me
In all honesty
Repeat these words
After me
If you dare to believe this

Am I vain? Have I shame?
Are my thoughts of a man
Who can call himself sane?
Do I blame, all my pain
On the wickedness
I have arranged?
If I do, bring it down

Repeat these words
After me
In all honesty
Repeat these words
After me
If you dare to believe this

Am I vain? Have I shame?
Are my thoughts of a man
Who can call himself sane?
Is my fate, all the same
As the man who has
Walked the line straight
If it is, bring it down

And I, I must rely, my dear
And I, cannot deny, my dear
There will be a reckoning
Which was, is
And is to come

Repeat these words
After me
In all honesty
Repeat these words
After me
If you dare
To believe

Mirror lyrics:

To believe
If you dare
After me
Repeat these words
In all honesty
After me
Repeat these words

And is to come
Which was, is
There will be a reckoning
And I, cannot deny, my dear
And I, I must rely, my dear

If it is, bring it down
Walked the line straight
As the man who has
Is my fate, all the same
Who can call himself sane?
Are my thoughts of a man
Am I vain? Have I shame?

If you dare to believe this
After me
Repeat these words
In all honesty
After me
Repeat these words

If I do, bring it down
I have arranged?
On the wickedness
Do I blame, all my pain
Who can call himself sane?
Are my thoughts of a man
Am I vain? Have I shame?

If you dare to believe this
After me
Repeat these words
In all honesty
After me
Repeat these words

Relevant Tags:
NNight BBy CCandlelight ight y andlelight iNght yB aCndlelight might vy fandlelight mNight vBy fCandlelight Nmight Bvy Cfandlelight
hight gy xandlelight hNight gBy xCandlelight Nhight Bgy Cxandlelight jight ny vandlelight jNight nBy vCandlelight Njight Bny Cvandlelight
bight hy dandlelight bNight hBy dCandlelight Nbight Bhy Cdandlelight Niight Byy Caandlelight Nght B Cndlelight Ngiht By Cnadlelight
Njght Bg Czndlelight Czandlelight Nijght Byg Cazndlelight N9ght Bh Cqndlelight N9ight Cqandlelight Ni9ght Byh Caqndlelight
Nlght B6 Csndlelight Nlight B6y Csandlelight Nilght By6 Casndlelight Noght Bu Cwndlelight Noight Buy Cwandlelight Nioght Byu Cawndlelight
Nkght B7 Cxndlelight Nkight B7y Nikght By7 Caxndlelight N8ght Bj Canndlelight N8ight Bjy Cadlelight Ni8ght Byj Cadnlelight
Nught Bt Camdlelight Nuight Bty Camndlelight Niught Byt Canmdlelight Nigght Cahdlelight Niht Cahndlelight Nihgt Canhdlelight
Nihht Cajdlelight Nihght Cajndlelight Nighht Canjdlelight Niyht Cabdlelight Niyght Cabndlelight Nigyht Canbdlelight
Nibht Canddlelight Nibght Canlelight Nigbht Canldelight Nivht Canxlelight Nivght Canxdlelight Nigvht Candxlelight
Nifht Canelelight Nifght Canedlelight Nigfht Candelelight Nitht Canflelight Nitght Canfdlelight Nigtht Candflelight
Canrlelight Nigt Canrdlelight Nigth Candrlelight Nigjt Canclelight Nigjht Cancdlelight Nighjt Candclelight
Nigut Canslelight Niguht Cansdlelight Nighut Candslelight Nignt Candllelight Nignht Candelight Nighnt Candellight
Nigbt Candkelight Candklelight Nighbt Candlkelight Niggt Candoelight Candolelight Nighgt Candloelight
Nigyt Candpelight Candplelight Nighyt Candlpelight Nightt Candleelight Nigh Candllight Night Candlleight
Nighf Candlslight Nighft Candlselight Nightf Candleslight Nigh5 Candl3light Nigh5t Candl3elight Night5 Candle3light
Nighh Candlflight Candlfelight Nighth Candleflight Nighy Candlrlight Candlrelight Nighty Candlerlight
Nigh6 Candl4light Nigh6t Candl4elight

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