Al Stewart
Mixed Blessing

She never learned her lesson
She had to have it all
It was a real mixed blessing
I don't believe she saw
She liked to keep them guessing
Sometime later on
She'd gather her possessions and be gone
When the night comes following
From the clear blue sky
You can see her running
Don't you wonder why
When the light goes fading
From her clear blue eyes
Only in the darkest places will she feel at home

From time to time I'd see her
It wasn't like before
No matter what you gave her
She always wanted more
Her life was getting fractured
She didn't seem to care
Wherever there was action she'd be there
When the night comes following
From the clear blue sky
You can see her running
Don't you wonder why
When the light goes fading
From her clear blue eyes
Only in the darkest places will she be at home

She never learned her lesson
She had to take that fall
It was a real mixed blessing
After all

Mirror lyrics:

After all
It was a real mixed blessing
She had to take that fall
She never learned her lesson

Only in the darkest places will she be at home
From her clear blue eyes
When the light goes fading
Don't you wonder why
You can see her running
From the clear blue sky
When the night comes following
Wherever there was action she'd be there
She didn't seem to care
Her life was getting fractured
She always wanted more
No matter what you gave her
It wasn't like before
From time to time I'd see her

Only in the darkest places will she feel at home
From her clear blue eyes
When the light goes fading
Don't you wonder why
You can see her running
From the clear blue sky
When the night comes following
She'd gather her possessions and be gone
Sometime later on
She liked to keep them guessing
I don't believe she saw
It was a real mixed blessing
She had to have it all
She never learned her lesson

Relevant Tags:
MMixed BBlessing ixed lessing iMxed lBessing jixed vlessing jMixed vBlessing Mjixed Bvlessing kixed glessing kMixed gBlessing
Mkixed Bglessing nixed nlessing nMixed nBlessing Mnixed Bnlessing Miixed hlessing Mxed hBlessing Mxied Bhlessing Mjxed Bllessing
Bessing Mijxed Belssing M9xed Bkessing M9ixed Bklessing Mi9xed Blkessing Mlxed Boessing Mlixed Bolessing Milxed Bloessing
Moxed Bpessing Moixed Bplessing Mioxed Blpessing Mkxed Bleessing Blssing Mikxed Blsesing M8xed Blsssing M8ixed Blsessing
Mi8xed Blesssing Muxed Bl3ssing Muixed Bl3essing Miuxed Ble3ssing Mixxed Blfssing Mied Blfessing Miexd Blefssing Mided Blrssing
Midxed Blressing Mixded Blerssing Mized Bl4ssing Mizxed Bl4essing Mixzed Ble4ssing Miced Bldssing Micxed Bldessing Mixced Bledssing
Mised Blwssing Misxed Blwessing Mixsed Blewssing Mixeed Mixd Blesing Mixde Blessing Mixsd Blezsing Blezssing
Mixesd Bleszsing Mix3d Blewsing Mix3ed Mixe3d Bleswsing Mixfd Bledsing Mixfed Mixefd Blesdsing Mixrd Bleesing
Mixred Mixerd Blesesing Mix4d Blexsing Mix4ed Blexssing Mixe4d Blesxsing

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