Al Jarreau
Love Is Waiting

Livin' a dream
Where things are even
Better than they seem
I wanna go
To where the lights
Inside provide the glow

You can believe when
I tell you it's true
Well, take a little ride with me
Can you conceive that
You already knew
Look inside and you

Love is waiting
It's just around the bend
Waiting for you to turn the
Charm on
Oh, waiting and it will never end
Give it up you're overdue
(Love will see you through)

What'll you do
When all the fancy dancin'
Days are through
Where will you go
When all the neon lights
Have lost their glow

You can believe when
I tell you it's true
Come take a little ride with me
Can you conceive that
You already knew
Look inside and you will see that

Love is waiting
It's just around the bend
Waiting for you to turn the
Charm on
Oh, waiting and it will never end
Give it up you're overdue
(Love will see you through)

Mirror lyrics:

(Love will see you through)
Give it up you're overdue
Oh, waiting and it will never end
Charm on
Waiting for you to turn the
It's just around the bend
Love is waiting

Look inside and you will see that
You already knew
Can you conceive that
Come take a little ride with me
I tell you it's true
You can believe when

Have lost their glow
When all the neon lights
Where will you go
Days are through
When all the fancy dancin'
What'll you do

(Love will see you through)
Give it up you're overdue
Oh, waiting and it will never end
Charm on
Waiting for you to turn the
It's just around the bend
Love is waiting

Look inside and you
You already knew
Can you conceive that
Well, take a little ride with me
I tell you it's true
You can believe when

Inside provide the glow
To where the lights
I wanna go
Better than they seem
Where things are even
Livin' a dream

Relevant Tags:
LLove IIs WWaiting ove s aiting oLve sI aWiting kove js aaiting kLove jIs aWaiting Lkove Ijs Waaiting oove 9s 3aiting
oLove 9Is 3Waiting Loove I9s W3aiting pove ls daiting pLove lIs dWaiting Lpove Ils Wdaiting os eaiting Lve oIs eWaiting
Lvoe Ios Weaiting Lkve ks saiting kIs sWaiting Lokve Iks Wsaiting L9ve 8s 2aiting L9ove 8Is 2Waiting Lo9ve I8s W2aiting
L0ve us qaiting L0ove uIs qWaiting Lo0ve Ius Wqaiting Llve Iss Llove I Witing Lolve Is Wiating Live Iz Wziting
Liove Izs Wzaiting Loive Isz Waziting Lovve Iw Wqiting Loe Iws Loev Isw Waqiting Lobe Id Wsiting Lobve Ids
Lovbe Isd Wasiting Loce Ie Wwiting Locve Ies Wwaiting Lovce Ise Wawiting Loge Ix Wxiting Logve Ixs Wxaiting Lovge Isx Waxiting
Lofe Ia Waiiting Lofve Ias Wating Lovfe Isa Watiing Lovee Wajting Lov Wajiting Love Waijting Lovs Wa9ting
Lovse Wa9iting Loves Wai9ting Lov3 Walting Lov3e Waliting Love3 Wailting Lovf Waoting Waoiting
Lovef Waioting Lovr Wakting Lovre Wakiting Lover Waikting Lov4 Wa8ting Lov4e Wa8iting Love4 Wai8ting
Lovd Wauting Lovde Wauiting Loved Waiuting Lovw Waitting Lovwe Waiing Lovew Waiitng Waifing
Waifting Waitfing

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