Five O'clock 500


Just punched the clock and boy am I ready
Walkin' out the door a-headin' home
It's time to buckle up again
In my rolling hunk of tin
It's quittin' time the evenin' race is on.

It's that five o'clock 500 and I run it every day
Pick-up trucks, cars and buses all in my way
We've got Darrel, we've got Dale,
Richard, Mark, Rusty and Jeff
Oh, the boss just dropped the green we're on our way
It's that five o'clock 500 every day.

Oh, Bubba's runnin' right on my bumper
Pushin' me but there's no where to go
Lane changin' left and right
Blowin' horns and blinkin' lights
Oh, the fast lane has never been so slow.

It's that five o'clock 500 and I run it every day
Pick-up trucks, cars and buses all in my way
We've got Darrel, we've got Dale,
Richard, Mark, Rusty and Jeff
Well, the boss just dropped the green we're on our way
It's that five o'clock 500 every day.

Well, the caution is out we're at a stand-still
Heard there's construction up ahead
Won't be long so they say
Soon we'll all be on our way
Some trucker on the CB just said.

It's that five o'clock 500 and I run it every day
Pick-up trucks, cars and buses all in my way
We've got Darrel, we've got Dale,
Richard, Mark, Rusty and Jared
Oh, the boss just dropped the green we're on our way
It's that five o'clock 500, five o'clock 500,
Five o'clock 500 every day
Every day, every day, every day...

Mirror lyrics:

Every day, every day, every day...
Five o'clock 500 every day
It's that five o'clock 500, five o'clock 500,
Oh, the boss just dropped the green we're on our way
Richard, Mark, Rusty and Jared
We've got Darrel, we've got Dale,
Pick-up trucks, cars and buses all in my way
It's that five o'clock 500 and I run it every day

Some trucker on the CB just said.
Soon we'll all be on our way
Won't be long so they say
Heard there's construction up ahead
Well, the caution is out we're at a stand-still

It's that five o'clock 500 every day.
Well, the boss just dropped the green we're on our way
Richard, Mark, Rusty and Jeff
We've got Darrel, we've got Dale,
Pick-up trucks, cars and buses all in my way
It's that five o'clock 500 and I run it every day

Oh, the fast lane has never been so slow.
Blowin' horns and blinkin' lights
Lane changin' left and right
Pushin' me but there's no where to go
Oh, Bubba's runnin' right on my bumper

It's that five o'clock 500 every day.
Oh, the boss just dropped the green we're on our way
Richard, Mark, Rusty and Jeff
We've got Darrel, we've got Dale,
Pick-up trucks, cars and buses all in my way
It's that five o'clock 500 and I run it every day

It's quittin' time the evenin' race is on.
In my rolling hunk of tin
It's time to buckle up again
Walkin' out the door a-headin' home
Just punched the clock and boy am I ready


Relevant Tags:
FFive OO'clock 5500 ive 'clock 00 iFve 'Oclock 050 cive k'clock 600 cFive kO'clock 6500 Fcive Ok'clock 5600 rive 9'clock r00
rFive 9O'clock r500 Frive O9'clock 5r00 give 0'clock t00 gFive 0O'clock t500 Fgive O0'clock 5t00 tive l'clock 400 tFive lO'clock 4500
Ftive Ol'clock 5400 vive i'clock 5000 vFive iO'clock 50 Fvive Oi'clock 500 dive O''clock 5p0 dFive Oclock 5p00 Fdive Oc'lock 50p0
Fiive O'cclock 590 Fve O'lock 5900 Fvie O'lcock 5090 Fjve O'flock 5o0 Fjive O'fclock 5o00 Fijve O'cflock 50o0 F9ve O'xlock
F9ive O'xclock Fi9ve O'cxlock Flve O'vlock 50p Flive O'vclock Filve O'cvlock 500p Fove O'dlock 509 Foive O'dclock
Fiove O'cdlock 5009 Fkve O'cllock 50o Fkive O'cock Fikve O'colck 500o F8ve O'ckock F8ive O'cklock Fi8ve O'clkock
Fuve O'coock Fuive O'colock Fiuve O'cloock Fivve O'cpock Fie O'cplock Fiev O'clpock

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