Al Stewart
The Dark And The Rolling Sea

Oh you slipped away from the harbour side
In the morning bright and clear
And your sails were filled with the rising wind
And you laughed for all to hear
But you never glanced at the ragged dance
Of your lovers on the quay
Don't call on them when the winds rise high
On the dark and the rolling sea

Oh you set your course for the furthest shores
And you never once looked back
And the flag you flew was a pirate cross
On a field of velvet black
And those landsmen who you but lately knew
Were left stranded on the lea
Don't call on them when the storm clouds rise
On the dark and the rolling sea

Oh I have no need of a chart or creed
You told your waiting crew
For the winds of chance, they will bear us straight
And you spoke as though you knew
So you paid no mind to the warning signs
As you gave your words so free
Don't change your tack when the timbers crack
On the dark and the rolling sea

Now the thunder rails in the great mainsails
And the stars desert the skies
And the rigging strains as the hands of rain
Reach down to wash your eyes
And your oarsmen stands with his knife in hand
And his eyes spell mutiny
Don't call my name when your ship goes down
On the dark and the rolling sea

Mirror lyrics:

On the dark and the rolling sea
Don't call my name when your ship goes down
And his eyes spell mutiny
And your oarsmen stands with his knife in hand
Reach down to wash your eyes
And the rigging strains as the hands of rain
And the stars desert the skies
Now the thunder rails in the great mainsails

On the dark and the rolling sea
Don't change your tack when the timbers crack
As you gave your words so free
So you paid no mind to the warning signs
And you spoke as though you knew
For the winds of chance, they will bear us straight
You told your waiting crew
Oh I have no need of a chart or creed

On the dark and the rolling sea
Don't call on them when the storm clouds rise
Were left stranded on the lea
And those landsmen who you but lately knew
On a field of velvet black
And the flag you flew was a pirate cross
And you never once looked back
Oh you set your course for the furthest shores

On the dark and the rolling sea
Don't call on them when the winds rise high
Of your lovers on the quay
But you never glanced at the ragged dance
And you laughed for all to hear
And your sails were filled with the rising wind
In the morning bright and clear
Oh you slipped away from the harbour side

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDark AAnd TThe RRolling SSea he ark nd he olling ea hTe aDrk nAd hTe oRlling eSa fhe xark znd fhe dolling zea fThe xDark zAnd fThe dRolling zSea
Tfhe Dxark Aznd Tfhe Rdolling Szea 5he eark qnd 5he 4olling wea 5The eDark qAnd 5The 4Rolling wSea T5he Deark Aqnd T5he R4olling Swea hhe fark snd hhe golling dea
hThe fDark sAnd hThe gRolling dSea Thhe Dfark Asnd Thhe Rgolling Sdea yhe rark wnd yhe tolling eea yThe rDark wAnd yThe tRolling eSea Tyhe Drark Awnd Tyhe Rtolling Seea
6he cark xnd 6he 5olling xea 6The cDark xAnd 6The 5Rolling xSea T6he Dcark Axnd T6he R5olling Sxea ghe sark Annd ghe folling aea gThe sDark Ad gThe fRolling aSea
Tghe Dsark Adn Tghe Rfolling Saea rhe Daark Amd rhe eolling rThe Drk Amnd rThe eRolling Sa Trhe Drak Anmd Trhe Reolling Sae Dzrk Ahd Roolling Ssa
Te Dzark Ahnd Te Rlling Ssea Teh Dazrk Anhd Teh Rloling Sesa Tje Dqrk Ajd Tje Rklling S3a Tjhe Dqark Ajnd Tjhe Rkolling S3ea Thje Daqrk Anjd Thje Roklling Se3a
Tue Dsrk Abd Tue R9lling Sfa Tuhe Abnd Tuhe R9olling Sfea Thue Dasrk Anbd Thue Ro9lling Sefa Tne Dwrk Andd Tne R0lling Sra Tnhe Dwark An Tnhe R0olling Srea
Thne Dawrk And Thne Ro0lling Sera Tbe Dxrk Anx Tbe Rllling S4a Tbhe Anxd Tbhe Rlolling S4ea Thbe Daxrk Andx Thbe Rollling Se4a Tge Darrk Ane Tge Rilling Sda
Dak Aned Riolling Thge Dakr Ande Thge Roilling Seda Tye Dadk Anf Tye Swa Dadrk Anfd Roling Thye Dardk Andf Thye Rolling Sewa
Thee Da4k Anr Thee Rokling Seaa Th Da4rk Anrd Th Se The Dar4k Andr The Rolkling Sea Ths Dagk Anc Ths Rooling Sez Thse Dagrk Ancd Thse Seza
Thes Dargk Andc Thes Rololing Seaz Th3 Datk Ans Th3 Ropling Seq Th3e Datrk Ansd Th3e Roplling Seqa The3 Dartk Ands The3 Rolpling Seaq Thf Da5k Thf Ses
Thfe Da5rk Thfe

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