I Only Want You

last friday night u talked
just'bout the weather
yesterday's theme
were chemics and news
for even ten days
u shun senseful talks
i call u a man with a heart cold as ice
start hurting your pride to get to know
what's inside
i have allready waited much too long

u didn't get me, babe
u misconsive me
so please tell me
what is wrong with u
u didn't take my meaning
i only tell u what i've at heart

i only want u to be my friend

i cannot comprehend why u are angry
i meant nothing else but (to) "listen to me"
are u belivin'
in my secret love to u

Mirror lyrics:

in my secret love to u
are u belivin'
i meant nothing else but (to) "listen to me"
i cannot comprehend why u are angry

i only want u to be my friend

i only tell u what i've at heart
u didn't take my meaning
what is wrong with u
so please tell me
u misconsive me
u didn't get me, babe

i have allready waited much too long
what's inside
start hurting your pride to get to know
i call u a man with a heart cold as ice
u shun senseful talks
for even ten days
were chemics and news
yesterday's theme
just'bout the weather
last friday night u talked

Relevant Tags:
II OOnly WWant YYou nly ant ou I nOly aWnt oYu j knly aant gou jI kOnly aWant gYou Ij Oknly Waant Ygou 9 9nly 3ant hou
9I 9Only 3Want hYou I9 O9nly W3ant Yhou l 0nly dant 6ou lI 0Only dWant 6You Il O0nly Wdant Y6ou o lnly eant uou oI lOnly eWant uYou
Io Olnly Weant Yuou k inly sant 7ou kI iOnly sWant 7You Ik Oinly Wsant Y7ou 8 Onnly 2ant jou 8I Oly 2Want jYou I8 Olny W2ant Yjou
u Omly qant tou uI Omnly qWant tYou Iu Onmly Wqant Ytou Ohly Yoou Ohnly Wnt Yu Onhly Wnat Yuo Ojly Wznt Yku
Ojnly Wzant Ykou Onjly Waznt Yoku Obly Wqnt Y9u Obnly Y9ou Onbly Waqnt Yo9u Onlly Wsnt Y0u Ony Y0ou
Onyl Wasnt Yo0u Onky Wwnt Ylu Onkly Wwant Ylou Onlky Wawnt Yolu

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