Against All Authority

You want authority
You want a war with me
What motivated you
To reinforce all policy
You want authority
You want a war with me
And any opposition
You suppress for a salary
When I see you I should feel safe
But I don't cause I know just how you take
Advantage - Of your position
The answer - Is sedition
Don't understand so why don't you clue me in
Cause there must be something that you're missing
Somewhere deep within
You say it keeps me free
I have to disagree
We've seen it before
And we'll see it again
You infringe upon the rights
Of those you should defend

Mirror lyrics:

Of those you should defend
You infringe upon the rights
And we'll see it again
We've seen it before
I have to disagree
You say it keeps me free
Somewhere deep within
Cause there must be something that you're missing
Don't understand so why don't you clue me in
The answer - Is sedition
Advantage - Of your position
But I don't cause I know just how you take
When I see you I should feel safe
You suppress for a salary
And any opposition
You want a war with me
You want authority
To reinforce all policy
What motivated you
You want a war with me
You want authority

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