Aaron Lines
Cheaper To Keep Her

Your down on your luck.
You just lost your truck.
You cant afford another beer.
Your credit cards don’t work.
Whole world thinks you’re a jerk.
You wondering how you wound up here.

It wouldn’t been cheaper to keep her around
It wouldn’t been better to let her keep you down
Living with a crazy wife beats an empty bank account
It wouldn’t been cheaper to keep her around

Now your sleeping on the couch
at your best friends house watching Colombo
Eating cold pizza in your underwear
Just remember I told ya so

It wouldn’t been cheaper to keep her around
It wouldn’t been better to let her keep you down
Living with a crazy wife beats an empty bank account
It woulda been cheaper to keep her around

So if you’re thinking about saying adios
Well, take it from the fool who knows
She’s gonna serve ya papers
make ya pay through the nose
and when her lawyer gets through with you
you’ll have to move to Mexico.

It wouldn’t been cheaper to keep her around
It wouldn’t been better to let her keep you down
Living with a crazy wife beats living with an empty bank account

It woulda been cheaper to keep her around
It woulda been cheaper to keep her around

Mirror lyrics:

It woulda been cheaper to keep her around
It woulda been cheaper to keep her around

Living with a crazy wife beats living with an empty bank account
It wouldn’t been better to let her keep you down
It wouldn’t been cheaper to keep her around

you’ll have to move to Mexico.
and when her lawyer gets through with you
make ya pay through the nose
She’s gonna serve ya papers
Well, take it from the fool who knows
So if you’re thinking about saying adios

It woulda been cheaper to keep her around
Living with a crazy wife beats an empty bank account
It wouldn’t been better to let her keep you down
It wouldn’t been cheaper to keep her around

Just remember I told ya so
Eating cold pizza in your underwear
at your best friends house watching Colombo
Now your sleeping on the couch

It wouldn’t been cheaper to keep her around
Living with a crazy wife beats an empty bank account
It wouldn’t been better to let her keep you down
It wouldn’t been cheaper to keep her around

You wondering how you wound up here.
Whole world thinks you’re a jerk.
Your credit cards don’t work.
You cant afford another beer.
You just lost your truck.
Your down on your luck.

Relevant Tags:
CCheaper TTo KKeep HHer heaper o eep er hCeaper oT eKep eHr fheaper fo leep jer fCheaper fTo lKeep jHer Cfheaper Tfo Kleep Hjer
xheaper 5o oeep uer xCheaper 5To oKeep uHer Cxheaper T5o Koeep Huer vheaper ho meep ner vCheaper hTo mKeep nHer Cvheaper Tho Kmeep Hner
dheaper yo jeep ber dCheaper yTo jKeep bHer Cdheaper Tyo Kjeep Hber Chheaper 6o ieep ger Ceaper 6To iKeep gHer Cehaper T6o Kieep Hger
Cjeaper go Keeep yer Cjheaper gTo Kep yHer Chjeaper Tgo Keep Hyer Cueaper ro Ksep Heer Cuheaper rTo Kseep Hr Chueaper Tro Kesep Hre
Cneaper Too K3ep Hsr Cnheaper T K3eep Hser Chneaper To Ke3ep Hesr Cbeaper Tk Kfep H3r Cbheaper Tko Kfeep H3er Chbeaper Tok Kefep He3r
Cgeaper T9 Krep Hfr Cgheaper T9o Kreep Hfer Chgeaper To9 Kerep Hefr Cyeaper T0 K4ep Hrr Cyheaper T0o K4eep Hrer Chyeaper To0 Ke4ep Herr
Cheeaper Tl Kdep H4r Chaper Tlo Kdeep H4er Chaeper Tol Kedep He4r Chsaper Ti Kwep Hdr Chseaper Tio Kweep Hder Chesaper Toi Kewep Hedr
Ch3aper Hwr Ch3eaper Hwer Che3aper Kepe Hewr Chfaper Kesp Chfeaper He Chefaper Keesp Her
Chraper Ke3p Hed Chreaper Cheraper Kee3p Herd Ch4aper Kefp He4 Ch4eaper Che4aper Keefp Her4
Chdaper Kerp Heg Chdeaper Hegr Chedaper Keerp Herg Chwaper Ke4p Het Chweaper Hetr Chewaper Kee4p Hert
Cheaaper Kedp He5 Cheper He5r Chepaer Keedp Her5 Chezper Kewp Hef Chezaper Cheazper Keewp Herf

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