Niut Net Meru

[Translation of the text]

Thine is the land and glory and greatness forever,
forsooth. Dua-mutef, Qebeh-senuef, Imseti, Khapi.
Everyone is a star. Behold!
A sphere of stars. Great is the great one who's great ones are great.
Thine is the land and glory and greatness forever, forsooth.

I was a barge without a rudder,
loaded with woe. Then I was put on the island of Myself
by a wave of the Sea of Life.
There I discovered a snake; then I was illuminated.
I saw it was a great secret; they will learn his terror is great.

"Behold!", said a voice,
"This is Seth, the God of Confusion.
Thou art to be a priest of this god and thy name shall
be Ni-Khet-Maat."
I spent five days alone and everything belonged to
me when I was in solitude.
I learned that life is probably a cycle and the monument
of man is his goodness.

This god addressed me friendlily,
as I was like a man seized in pitch black.
My soul had gone, my body trembled. My heart was no longer in my body.
"Light in extension! No-one is born wise,
don't be arrogant about thy knowledge nor trust that
thou art one who knoweth."
"Behold, the age of Osiris is over.
Hail to thee, Crowned and Conquering Child!
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law; love
is the law, love under will."

Osiris is a black god.

Then I made my way at night across the desert to the
City of Pyramids and Scarlet Woman.
Now I shall truly live, I shall truly exist.

Osiris is a black god.

Mirror lyrics:

Osiris is a black god.

Now I shall truly live, I shall truly exist.
City of Pyramids and Scarlet Woman.
Then I made my way at night across the desert to the

Osiris is a black god.

is the law, love under will."
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law; love
Hail to thee, Crowned and Conquering Child!
"Behold, the age of Osiris is over.
thou art one who knoweth."
don't be arrogant about thy knowledge nor trust that
"Light in extension! No-one is born wise,
My soul had gone, my body trembled. My heart was no longer in my body.
as I was like a man seized in pitch black.
This god addressed me friendlily,

of man is his goodness.
I learned that life is probably a cycle and the monument
me when I was in solitude.
I spent five days alone and everything belonged to
be Ni-Khet-Maat."
Thou art to be a priest of this god and thy name shall
"This is Seth, the God of Confusion.
"Behold!", said a voice,

I saw it was a great secret; they will learn his terror is great.
There I discovered a snake; then I was illuminated.
by a wave of the Sea of Life.
loaded with woe. Then I was put on the island of Myself
I was a barge without a rudder,

Thine is the land and glory and greatness forever, forsooth.
A sphere of stars. Great is the great one who's great ones are great.
Everyone is a star. Behold!
forsooth. Dua-mutef, Qebeh-senuef, Imseti, Khapi.
Thine is the land and glory and greatness forever,

[Translation of the text]

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NNiut NNet MMeru iut et eru iNut eNt eMru miut met jeru mNiut mNet jMeru Nmiut Nmet Mjeru hiut het keru hNiut hNet kMeru Nhiut Nhet Mkeru
jiut jet neru jNiut jNet nMeru Njiut Njet Mneru biut bet Meeru bNiut bNet Mru Nbiut Nbet Mreu Niiut Neet Msru Nut Nt Mseru Nuit Nte Mesru
Njut Nst M3ru Nset M3eru Nijut Nest Me3ru N9ut N3t Mfru N9iut N3et Mferu Ni9ut Ne3t Mefru Nlut Nft Mrru Nliut Nfet Mreru Nilut Neft Merru
Nout Nrt M4ru Noiut Nret M4eru Niout Nert Me4ru Nkut N4t Mdru Nkiut N4et Mderu Nikut Ne4t Medru N8ut Ndt Mwru N8iut Ndet Mweru Ni8ut Nedt Mewru
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