Squaring The Circle

The first matter,
The salt of salts,
Celestial water dissolves
The subtlest fluid sustains
The burning of sulphur.

Squaring the circle,
Spirit and matter

Driving the triumphal charlot,
Scattering treasures for the world
Blackening to become whitened,
Transmutation accomplished.

Squaring the circle,
Zero equals two

Aliquem alium intermum, quadratura circuli
The blood of the lion, the eagle's tears,
Result in the stone of millions of years.

Squaring the circle, solve et coagula

Omne superius sicut inferius

Mirror lyrics:

Omne superius sicut inferius

Squaring the circle, solve et coagula

Result in the stone of millions of years.
The blood of the lion, the eagle's tears,
Aliquem alium intermum, quadratura circuli

Zero equals two
Squaring the circle,

Transmutation accomplished.
Blackening to become whitened,
Scattering treasures for the world
Driving the triumphal charlot,

Spirit and matter
Squaring the circle,

The burning of sulphur.
The subtlest fluid sustains
Celestial water dissolves
The salt of salts,
The first matter,

Relevant Tags:
SSquaring TThe CCircle quaring he ircle qSuaring hTe iCrcle zquaring fhe fircle zSquaring fThe fCircle Szquaring Tfhe Cfircle
wquaring 5he xircle wSquaring 5The xCircle Swquaring T5he Cxircle dquaring hhe vircle dSquaring hThe vCircle Sdquaring Thhe Cvircle
equaring yhe dircle eSquaring yThe dCircle Sequaring Tyhe Cdircle xquaring 6he Ciircle xSquaring 6The Crcle Sxquaring T6he Cricle
aquaring ghe Cjrcle aSquaring gThe Cjircle Saquaring Tghe Cijrcle Sqquaring rhe C9rcle Suaring rThe C9ircle Suqaring Trhe Ci9rcle
Sauaring Clrcle Te Clircle Sqauaring Teh Cilrcle S2uaring Tje Corcle S2quaring Tjhe Coircle Sq2uaring Thje Ciorcle
Swuaring Tue Ckrcle Tuhe Ckircle Sqwuaring Thue Cikrcle Ssuaring Tne C8rcle Ssquaring Tnhe C8ircle Sqsuaring Thne Ci8rcle
S1uaring Tbe Curcle S1quaring Tbhe Cuircle Sq1uaring Thbe Ciurcle Squuaring Tge Cirrcle Sqaring Cicle Sqauring Thge Cicrle
Sqharing Tye Cidcle Sqhuaring Cidrcle Squharing Thye Cirdcle Sq7aring Thee Ci4cle Sq7uaring Th Ci4rcle Squ7aring The Cir4cle
Sqkaring Ths Cigcle Sqkuaring Thse Cigrcle Squkaring Thes Cirgcle Sqiaring Th3 Citcle Sqiuaring Th3e Citrcle Squiaring The3 Cirtcle
Sq8aring Thf Ci5cle Sq8uaring Thfe Ci5rcle Squ8aring Thef Cir5cle Sqjaring Thr Cifcle Sqjuaring Thre Cifrcle Squjaring Ther Cirfcle
Sqyaring Th4 Ciecle Sqyuaring Th4e Ciercle Squyaring The4 Cirecle Squaaring Thd Circcle Squring Thde Cirle Squraing Thed Cirlce
Squzring Thw Cirfle Squzaring Thwe Squazring Thew Circfle Squqring Cirxle Squqaring Cirxcle Squaqring Circxle
Squsring Cirvle Squsaring Cirvcle Squasring Circvle Squwring Cirdle Squwaring Squawring Circdle
Squxring Circlle Squxaring Circe

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