Down Time

When Can We Spend Some,
D.O.W.N Time,
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
With You Baby Down Time,
Wanna Spend All Of That,
D.O.W.N Time,
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
With You Baby Down Time.

I'm Sitting Up Here In My Room,
And I Just Cannot Stop Thinking About You,
I Can Picture Us K.I.S.Sing,
And Every Thing That Lovers Do,
I Wanna Get To Know You,
So I Can Get To Hold You,
Wanna Stop The Waiting Game,
Im Gonna Come Over To You,
And Ask You If You Want To....

Chill With Me,
Spend Some Quality,
Baby We Can Talk On The Phone,
Anything U Wan' To,
Its Up To You...

When Can We Spend Some,
D.O.W.N Time,
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
With You Baby Down Time,
Wanna Spend All Of That,
D.O.W.N Time,
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
With You Baby Down Time.

I Am Searching For A New Boo,
And I Hope That Its Gonna Be You,
You Really Rinin' My Bell,
And Baby I Can Tell,
That Your Really Feeling Me To,
Come And Get To Know Me,
So You An Get To Hold Me,
Wanna Set The Holla Back,
Name A Time, Name Place,
Nema Day You Want To......

Chill With Me,
Spend Some Quality,
Baby We Can Talk On The Phone,
Abything U Wan' To,
Certainly Talk To Me......

When Can We Spend Some,
D.O.W.N Time,
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
With You Baby Down Time,
Wanna Spend All Of That,
D.O.W.N Time,
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
With You Baby Down Time.

We Can Drink Some Lemonade,
Under That Big Oak Tree,
We Can Go Down Town,
Watch A Movie,
Just Spend Time With Me,
Baby You Will See,
We'll Be Happy,
So Tell Me When Can We....

When Can We Spend Some,
D.O.W.N Time,
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
With You Baby Down Time,
Wanna Spend All Of That,
D.O.W.N Time,
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
With You Baby Down Time.

I Wanna,
I Wanna Spend Some,
Quality Time With You,
With You,
With You,

Oh... Ooo... Yeahhh...

Mirror lyrics:

Oh... Ooo... Yeahhh...

With You,
With You,
Quality Time With You,
I Wanna Spend Some,
I Wanna,

With You Baby Down Time.
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
D.O.W.N Time,
Wanna Spend All Of That,
With You Baby Down Time,
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
D.O.W.N Time,
When Can We Spend Some,

So Tell Me When Can We....
We'll Be Happy,
Baby You Will See,
Just Spend Time With Me,
Watch A Movie,
We Can Go Down Town,
Under That Big Oak Tree,
We Can Drink Some Lemonade,

With You Baby Down Time.
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
D.O.W.N Time,
Wanna Spend All Of That,
With You Baby Down Time,
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
D.O.W.N Time,
When Can We Spend Some,

Certainly Talk To Me......
Abything U Wan' To,
Baby We Can Talk On The Phone,
Spend Some Quality,
Chill With Me,

Nema Day You Want To......
Name A Time, Name Place,
Wanna Set The Holla Back,
So You An Get To Hold Me,
Come And Get To Know Me,
That Your Really Feeling Me To,
And Baby I Can Tell,
You Really Rinin' My Bell,
And I Hope That Its Gonna Be You,
I Am Searching For A New Boo,

With You Baby Down Time.
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
D.O.W.N Time,
Wanna Spend All Of That,
With You Baby Down Time,
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
D.O.W.N Time,
When Can We Spend Some,

Its Up To You...
Anything U Wan' To,
Baby We Can Talk On The Phone,
Spend Some Quality,
Chill With Me,

And Ask You If You Want To....
Im Gonna Come Over To You,
Wanna Stop The Waiting Game,
So I Can Get To Hold You,
I Wanna Get To Know You,
And Every Thing That Lovers Do,
I Can Picture Us K.I.S.Sing,
And I Just Cannot Stop Thinking About You,
I'm Sitting Up Here In My Room,

With You Baby Down Time.
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
D.O.W.N Time,
Wanna Spend All Of That,
With You Baby Down Time,
Wanna Spend Some Down Time,
D.O.W.N Time,
When Can We Spend Some,

Relevant Tags:
DDown TTime own ime oDwn iTme xown fime xDown fTime Dxown Tfime eown 5ime eDown 5Time Deown T5ime fown hime fDown hTime
Dfown Thime rown yime rDown yTime Drown Tyime cown 6ime cDown 6Time Dcown T6ime sown gime sDown gTime Dsown Tgime Doown rime
Dwn rTime Dwon Trime Dkwn Tiime Dkown Tme Dokwn Tmie D9wn Tjme D9own Tjime Do9wn Tijme D0wn T9me D0own T9ime Do0wn Ti9me
Dlwn Tlme Dlown Tlime Dolwn Tilme Diwn Tome Diown Toime Doiwn Tiome Dowwn Tkme Don Tkime

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