Where Could He Be (feat. Missy Elliott And Tweet)

[Verse 1:]
I Been, I Been (Ashamed)Its A Shame (Shame,Shame)
That Ive Searched The Sky High And Low
But Still Cant Find My Baby Where Could He (Where Could He Be)
That We Walked The Streets Snow And Sleet Until I Find My Baby, Babe

Been Around The World Toni-Ya Yight (Tonight)
I Cant Find My Baby
He Packed His Close And Didnt Say Goodbye
Could It Be Another Lady
Should I Search This Earth Til I Die
Or Let It Drive Me Crazy
Been Around The World Toni-Ya Yight

[Verse 2:]
Ooooooooooooooo Its A Crime (Crime,Crime)
When You Take This Poor Heart Of Mine
And Use It For A Rug To Walk On
Then Your Gone (Gone)
Been Right Out My Life The Last Time
Im Gonna Find My Baby,Babe

Been Around The World Toni-Ya Yight (Tonight)
I Cant Find My Baby
He Packed His Close And Didnt Say Goodbye
Could It Be Another Lady
Should I Search This Earth Til I Die
Or Let It Drive Me Crazy
Been Around The World Toni-Ya Yight

(Iiiiiiiiiiiii Heyyyyyyyy)
Why Cant (Why Cant)
You Call Me (You Call Meeeee)
Dial Me (Dial Me)
Da Da Da Da Da Da
Why Cant (Why Cant)
You Call Me (You Call Meeeee)
Dial Me (Dial Me)
Yeah Yeah (Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeaaaaaaaheee)

Been Around The World Toni-Ya Yight
I Cant Find My Baby
He Packed His Close And Didnt Say Goodbye
Could It Be Another Lady
Should I Search This Earth Til I Die
Or Let It Drive Me Crazy
Been Around The World Toni-Ya Yight



I Searchin And Searchin

Mirror lyrics:

I Searchin And Searchin



Been Around The World Toni-Ya Yight
Or Let It Drive Me Crazy
Should I Search This Earth Til I Die
Could It Be Another Lady
He Packed His Close And Didnt Say Goodbye
I Cant Find My Baby
Been Around The World Toni-Ya Yight

Yeah Yeah (Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeaaaaaaaheee)
Dial Me (Dial Me)
You Call Me (You Call Meeeee)
Why Cant (Why Cant)
Da Da Da Da Da Da
Dial Me (Dial Me)
You Call Me (You Call Meeeee)
Why Cant (Why Cant)
(Iiiiiiiiiiiii Heyyyyyyyy)

Been Around The World Toni-Ya Yight
Or Let It Drive Me Crazy
Should I Search This Earth Til I Die
Could It Be Another Lady
He Packed His Close And Didnt Say Goodbye
I Cant Find My Baby
Been Around The World Toni-Ya Yight (Tonight)

Im Gonna Find My Baby,Babe
Been Right Out My Life The Last Time
Then Your Gone (Gone)
And Use It For A Rug To Walk On
When You Take This Poor Heart Of Mine
Ooooooooooooooo Its A Crime (Crime,Crime)
[Verse 2:]

Been Around The World Toni-Ya Yight
Or Let It Drive Me Crazy
Should I Search This Earth Til I Die
Could It Be Another Lady
He Packed His Close And Didnt Say Goodbye
I Cant Find My Baby
Been Around The World Toni-Ya Yight (Tonight)

That We Walked The Streets Snow And Sleet Until I Find My Baby, Babe
But Still Cant Find My Baby Where Could He (Where Could He Be)
That Ive Searched The Sky High And Low
I Been, I Been (Ashamed)Its A Shame (Shame,Shame)
[Verse 1:]

Relevant Tags:
WWhere CCould HHe BBe ((feat. MMissy EElliott AAnd TTweet) here ould e e feat. issy lliott nd weet) hWere oCuld eH eB f(eat. iMssy lEliott nAd wTeet)
ahere fould je ve (ffeat. jissy slliott znd fweet) aWhere fCould jHe vBe (eat. jMissy sElliott zAnd fTweet) Wahere Cfould Hje Bve (efat. Mjissy Eslliott Aznd Tfweet)
3here xould ue ge (ceat. kissy 3lliott qnd 5weet) 3Where xCould uHe gBe (cfeat. kMissy 3Elliott qAnd 5Tweet) W3here Cxould Hue Bge (fceat. Mkissy E3lliott Aqnd T5weet)
dhere vould ne ne (reat. nissy flliott snd hweet) dWhere vCould nHe nBe (rfeat. nMissy fElliott sAnd hTweet) Wdhere Cvould Hne Bne (freat. Mnissy Eflliott Asnd Thweet)
ehere dould be he (geat. Miissy rlliott wnd yweet) eWhere dCould bHe hBe (gfeat. Mssy rElliott wAnd yTweet) Wehere Cdould Hbe Bhe (fgeat. Msisy Erlliott Awnd Tyweet)
shere Coould ge Bee (teat. Mjssy 4lliott xnd 6weet) sWhere Culd gHe B (tfeat. 4Elliott xAnd 6Tweet) Wshere Cuold Hge Be (fteat. Mijssy E4lliott Axnd T6weet)
2here Ckuld ye Bs (veat. M9ssy dlliott Annd gweet) 2Where Ckould yHe Bse (vfeat. M9issy dElliott Ad gTweet) W2here Cokuld Hye Bes (fveat. Mi9ssy Edlliott Adn Tgweet)
qhere C9uld Hee B3 (deat. Mlssy wlliott Amd rweet) qWhere C9ould H B3e (dfeat. Mlissy wElliott Amnd rTweet) Wqhere Co9uld He Be3 (fdeat. Milssy Ewlliott Anmd Trweet)
Whhere C0uld Hs Bf (feeat. Mossy Ellliott Ahd Twweet) Were C0ould Hse Bfe (fat. Moissy Eliott Ahnd Teet) Wehre Co0uld Hes Bef (faet. Miossy Elliott Anhd Tewet)
Wjere Cluld H3 Br (fsat. Mkssy Ekliott Ajd Taeet) Wjhere Clould H3e Bre (fseat. Eklliott Ajnd Taweet) Whjere Coluld He3 Ber (fesat. Mikssy Elkliott Anjd Twaeet)
Wuere Ciuld Hf B4 (f3at. M8ssy Eoliott Abd T3eet) Wuhere Ciould Hfe B4e (f3eat. M8issy Eolliott Abnd T3weet) Whuere Coiuld Hef Be4 (fe3at. Mi8ssy Eloliott Anbd Tw3eet)
Wnere Couuld Hr Bd (ffat. Mussy Epliott Andd Tdeet) Wnhere Cold Hre Bde Muissy Eplliott An Tdweet) Whnere Colud Her Bed (fefat. Miussy Elpliott And Twdeet)
Wbere Cohld H4 Bw (frat. Misssy Anx Teeet) Wbhere Cohuld H4e Bwe Misy Anxd Teweet) Whbere Couhld He4 Bew (ferat. Missy Elilott Andx Tweeet)
Wgere Co7ld Hd (f4at. Mizsy Elkiott Ane Tseet) Wghere Co7uld Hde (f4eat. Mizssy Aned Tsweet) Whgere Cou7ld Hed (fe4at. Miszsy Ellkiott Ande Twseet)
Wyere Cokld Hw (fdat. Miwsy Eloiott Anf T2eet) Wyhere Hwe Miwssy Anfd T2weet) Whyere Coukld Hew (fedat. Miswsy Elloiott Andf Tw2eet)
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