Three Times A Lady

thanks for the times that you've given me
the memories are all in my mind.
and now that we've come to the end of our rainbow
there's something i must say out loud

your once, twice, three times a lady
and i love you...
yes your once, twice, three times a lady
and i love you... i love you...

when we are together the moments i cherish
with every beat of my heart
to touch you, to hold you
to feel you, to need you
there's nothing to keep us apart

your once, twice, three times a lady
and i love you... i love you...

Mirror lyrics:

and i love you... i love you...
your once, twice, three times a lady

there's nothing to keep us apart
to feel you, to need you
to touch you, to hold you
with every beat of my heart
when we are together the moments i cherish

and i love you... i love you...
yes your once, twice, three times a lady
and i love you...
your once, twice, three times a lady

there's something i must say out loud
and now that we've come to the end of our rainbow
the memories are all in my mind.
thanks for the times that you've given me

Relevant Tags:
TThree TTimes AA LLady hree imes ady hTree iTmes A aLdy fhree fimes z kady fThree fTimes zA kLady Tfhree Tfimes Az Lkady
5hree 5imes q oady 5Three 5Times qA oLady T5hree T5imes Aq Loady hhree himes s pady hThree hTimes sA pLady Thhree Thimes As Lpady
yhree yimes w Laady yThree yTimes wA Ldy Tyhree Tyimes Aw Lday 6hree 6imes x Lzdy 6Three 6Times xA Lzady T6hree T6imes Ax Lazdy
ghree gimes Lqdy gThree gTimes Lqady Tghree Tgimes Laqdy rhree rimes Lsdy rThree rTimes Lsady Trhree Trimes Lasdy
Tiimes Lwdy Tree Tmes Lwady Trhee Tmies Lawdy Tjree Tjmes Lxdy Tjhree Tjimes Lxady Thjree Tijmes Laxdy
Turee T9mes Laddy Tuhree T9imes Lay Thuree Ti9mes Layd Tnree Tlmes Laxy Tnhree Tlimes Thnree Tilmes Ladxy
Tbree Tomes Laey Tbhree Toimes Laedy Thbree Tiomes Ladey Tgree Tkmes Lafy Tkimes Lafdy Thgree Tikmes Ladfy
Tyree T8mes Lary T8imes Lardy Thyree Ti8mes Ladry Thrree Tumes Lacy Thee Tuimes Lacdy There Tiumes Ladcy
Thdee Timmes Lasy Thdree Ties

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