Aaron Neville
Show Some Emotion

I've tried my best for so long
To break down these walls
But you build them strong
So I stand here waiting, wondering why
Oh why

Why you don't give a little bit
Break down and give a little bit

Show, show some emotion
Open, open your heart,
Set free an ocean
Only a feeling can save us now

You say you've been hurt
Well you're not alone
As you race through this life
What you keep to yourself
Can turn you to stone
All it would take is one kind word
To be heard

Come on and give a little bit
Try to forgive a little bit
Show, show some emotion
Open, open your heart
Set free an ocean
Only a feeling can save us now

Show, show some emotion
Open, open your heart
Set free an ocean
Only a feeling can save us now

Show some emotion
Open, open your heart
Set free an ocean
Only a feeling can save us now

Mirror lyrics:

Only a feeling can save us now
Set free an ocean
Open, open your heart
Show some emotion

Only a feeling can save us now
Set free an ocean
Open, open your heart
Show, show some emotion

Only a feeling can save us now
Set free an ocean
Open, open your heart
Show, show some emotion
Try to forgive a little bit
Come on and give a little bit

To be heard
All it would take is one kind word
Can turn you to stone
What you keep to yourself
As you race through this life
Well you're not alone
You say you've been hurt

Only a feeling can save us now
Set free an ocean
Open, open your heart,
Show, show some emotion

Break down and give a little bit
Why you don't give a little bit

Oh why
So I stand here waiting, wondering why
But you build them strong
To break down these walls
I've tried my best for so long

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SShow SSome EEmotion how ome motion hSow oSme mEotion zhow zome smotion zShow zSome sEmotion Szhow Szome Esmotion
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ehow eome rmotion eShow eSome rEmotion Sehow Seome Ermotion xhow xome 4motion xShow xSome 4Emotion Sxhow Sxome E4motion
ahow aome dmotion aShow aSome dEmotion Sahow Saome Edmotion Shhow Soome wmotion Sow Sme wEmotion Sohw Smoe Ewmotion
Sjow Skme Emmotion Sjhow Skome Eotion Shjow Sokme Eomtion Suow S9me Ejotion Suhow S9ome Ejmotion Shuow So9me Emjotion
Snow S0me Ekotion Snhow S0ome Ekmotion Shnow So0me Emkotion Sbow Slme Enotion Sbhow Slome Enmotion Shbow Solme Emnotion
Sgow Sime Emootion Sghow Siome Emtion Shgow Soime Emtoion Syow Somme Emktion Syhow Soe Shyow Soem Emoktion
Shoow Soje Em9tion Shw Sojme Em9otion Shwo Somje Emo9tion Shkw Soke Em0tion Shkow Em0otion Shokw Somke Emo0tion
Sh9w Sone Emltion Sh9ow Sonme Emlotion Sho9w Somne Emoltion Sh0w Somee Emition Sh0ow Som Emiotion Sho0w Some Emoition
Shlw Soms Emottion Shlow Somse Emoion Sholw Somes Emoiton Shiw Som3 Emofion Shiow Som3e Emoftion Shoiw Some3 Emotfion
Showw Somf Emo5ion Sho Somfe Emo5tion Show Somef Emot5ion Shoa Somr Emohion Shoaw Somre Emohtion

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