Agent Orange
This Is Not The End

this is not the end - it's just another song
it's only one opinion, right or wrong
open up your heart - just one more time for me
before we turn to face reality
don't stop to think
this perfect chance may never come again
this is not the end

let me use your ears - just for a little while
ive got to find a way to make you smile

this is not my fault, i'm not responsible
these tiny grooves can only take so much
there's only one more thing i have to say to you
so long for now, be sure to keep in touch
this is not the end

Mirror lyrics:

this is not the end
so long for now, be sure to keep in touch
there's only one more thing i have to say to you
these tiny grooves can only take so much
this is not my fault, i'm not responsible

ive got to find a way to make you smile
let me use your ears - just for a little while

this is not the end
this perfect chance may never come again
don't stop to think
before we turn to face reality
open up your heart - just one more time for me
it's only one opinion, right or wrong
this is not the end - it's just another song

Relevant Tags:
TThis IIs NNot TThe EEnd his s ot he nd hTis sI oNt hTe nEd fhis js mot fhe snd fThis jIs mNot fThe sEnd Tfhis Ijs Nmot Tfhe Esnd
5his 9s hot 5he 3nd 5This 9Is hNot 5The 3End T5his I9s Nhot T5he E3nd hhis ls jot hhe fnd hThis lIs jNot hThe fEnd Thhis Ils Njot Thhe Efnd
yhis os bot yhe rnd yThis oIs bNot yThe rEnd Tyhis Ios Nbot Tyhe Ernd 6his ks Noot 6he 4nd 6This kIs Nt 6The 4End T6his Iks Nto T6he E4nd
ghis 8s Nkt ghe dnd gThis 8Is Nkot gThe dEnd Tghis I8s Nokt Tghe Ednd rhis us N9t rhe wnd rThis uIs N9ot rThe wEnd Trhis Ius No9t Trhe Ewnd
Iss N0t Ennd Tis I N0ot Te Ed Tihs Is No0t Teh Edn Tjis Iz Nlt Tje Emd Tjhis Izs Nlot Tjhe Emnd Thjis Isz Nolt Thje Enmd
Tuis Iw Nit Tue Ehd Tuhis Iws Niot Tuhe Ehnd Thuis Isw Noit Thue Enhd Tnis Id Nott Tne Ejd Tnhis Ids No Tnhe Ejnd Thnis Isd Not Thne Enjd
Tbis Ie Nof Tbe Ebd Tbhis Ies Noft Tbhe Ebnd Thbis Ise Notf Thbe Enbd Tgis Ix No5 Tge Endd Ixs No5t En Thgis Isx Not5 Thge End
Tyis Ia Noh Tye Enx

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