Agent Orange
Make Up Your Mind And Do What You Want To Do

you know you don't have time to sit around
waiting for the perfect chance to come your way
and you'll never find the answers
to the questions you ask
by listening to what other people say
you've got to let originality be your inspiration
you know plagiarism is a crime (dexter!)
even if it turns out to be a miserable disaster
you will live to try another time - that's why i say

make up your mind and do what you want to do

well you've got to be joking, if you say your thoughts
have fallen into someone else's hands
and you've got to be crazy, if you think your life
is just a mess of threats and tough demands
well you just can't be that far away from what you want
to think that nothing's gonna get you there
'cuz the truth is you were born
with everything you need
no you don't have to be a billionaire
all you have to do is

make up your mind and do what you want to do

if you're gonna do it, do it right!

in the end your gonna see that it was worth your time
the results are gonna make you smile
there's really nothing to it, if you use your head
and concentrate for just a little while
all it takes is just a twist of your wild imagination
new ideas will come tumbling out
can you feel the time slipping?
don't keep the world waiting
listen up, if you can hear me shout

make up your mind and do what you want to do

Mirror lyrics:

make up your mind and do what you want to do

listen up, if you can hear me shout
don't keep the world waiting
can you feel the time slipping?
new ideas will come tumbling out
all it takes is just a twist of your wild imagination
and concentrate for just a little while
there's really nothing to it, if you use your head
the results are gonna make you smile
in the end your gonna see that it was worth your time

if you're gonna do it, do it right!

make up your mind and do what you want to do

all you have to do is
no you don't have to be a billionaire
with everything you need
'cuz the truth is you were born
to think that nothing's gonna get you there
well you just can't be that far away from what you want
is just a mess of threats and tough demands
and you've got to be crazy, if you think your life
have fallen into someone else's hands
well you've got to be joking, if you say your thoughts

make up your mind and do what you want to do

you will live to try another time - that's why i say
even if it turns out to be a miserable disaster
you know plagiarism is a crime (dexter!)
you've got to let originality be your inspiration
by listening to what other people say
to the questions you ask
and you'll never find the answers
waiting for the perfect chance to come your way
you know you don't have time to sit around

Relevant Tags:
MMake UUp YYour MMind AAnd DDo WWhat YYou WWant TTo DDo ake p our ind nd o hat ou ant o o aMke pU oYur iMnd nAd oD hWat oYu aWnt oT oD
jake hp gour jind znd xo ahat gou aant fo xo jMake hUp gYour jMind zAnd xDo aWhat gYou aWant fTo xDo Mjake Uhp Ygour Mjind Aznd Dxo Wahat Ygou Waant Tfo Dxo
kake 7p hour kind qnd eo 3hat hou 3ant 5o eo kMake 7Up hYour kMind qAnd eDo 3What hYou 3Want 5To eDo Mkake U7p Yhour Mkind Aqnd Deo W3hat Yhou W3ant T5o Deo
nake kp 6our nind snd fo dhat 6ou dant ho fo nMake kUp 6Your nMind sAnd fDo dWhat 6You dWant hTo fDo Mnake Ukp Y6our Mnind Asnd Dfo Wdhat Y6ou Wdant Tho Dfo
Maake ip uour Miind wnd ro ehat uou eant yo ro Mke iUp uYour Mnd wAnd rDo eWhat uYou eWant yTo rDo Mkae Uip Yuour Mnid Awnd Dro Wehat Yuou Weant Tyo Dro
Mzke 8p 7our Mjnd xnd co shat 7ou sant 6o co Mzake 8Up 7Your xAnd cDo sWhat 7You sWant 6To cDo Mazke U8p Y7our Mijnd Axnd Dco Wshat Y7ou Wsant T6o Dco
Mqke jp jour M9nd Annd so 2hat jou 2ant go so Mqake jUp jYour M9ind Ad sDo 2What jYou 2Want gTo sDo Maqke Ujp Yjour Mi9nd Adn Dso W2hat Yjou W2ant Tgo Dso
Mske yp tour Mlnd Amd Doo qhat tou qant ro Doo Msake yUp tYour Mlind Amnd D qWhat tYou qWant rTo D Maske Uyp Ytour Milnd Anmd Do Wqhat Ytou Wqant Tro Do
Mwke Upp Yoour Mond Ahd Dk Whhat Yoou Too Dk Mwake U Yur Moind Ahnd Dko Wat Yu Wnt T Dko Mawke Up Yuor Miond Anhd Dok Waht Yuo Wnat To Dok
Mxke U0 Ykur Mknd Ajd D9 Wjat Yku Wznt Tk D9 Mxake U0p Ykour Ajnd D9o Wjhat Ykou Wzant Tko D9o Maxke Up0 Yokur Miknd Anjd Do9 Whjat Yoku Waznt Tok Do9
Makke Ul Y9ur M8nd Abd D0 Wuat Y9u Wqnt T9 D0 Mae Ulp Y9our M8ind Abnd D0o Wuhat Y9ou T9o D0o Maek Upl Yo9ur Mi8nd Anbd Do0 Whuat Yo9u Waqnt To9 Do0
Male Uo Y0ur Mund Andd Dl Wnat Y0u Wsnt T0 Dl Malke Uop Y0our Muind An Dlo Wnhat Y0ou T0o Dlo Makle Upo Yo0ur Miund And Dol Whnat Yo0u Wasnt To0 Dol
Maoe Ylur Minnd Anx Di Wbat Ylu Wwnt Tl Di Maoke Ylour Mid Anxd Dio Wbhat Ylou Wwant Tlo Dio Makoe Yolur Midn Andx Doi Whbat Yolu Wawnt Tol Doi
Mame Yiur Mimd Ane Wgat Yiu Wxnt Ti Mamke Yiour Mimnd Aned Wghat Yiou Wxant Tio Makme Yoiur Minmd Ande Whgat Yoiu Waxnt Toi
Maje Youur Mihd Anf Wyat Youu Wannt Majke Yor Mihnd Anfd Wyhat Yo Wat

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