Air Supply
So Much Love

Another Day Has Come and Gone
They Fade Away Like Winter Sun
I Should Have Felt, What I Didn't See
I Should Have Known, That You Needed Me

But Now You're Here
My Heart Is Young, My Mind Is Clear
The Past Was Gone, When You Came To Me
You Were Always A Part Of My Destiny

I Always Believed, That This Day Had To Come
There Was Not Enough Time
And Too Much Left Undone
I Could Never Deny
Just How Far We Had Come

I've Got So Much Love
So Much Love
So Much Love
So Much Love

Another Day To Spend With You
That's All I Ask, Just To Be With You
And How I Feel, You Just Don't Know
And Now You're Here, I Won't Let You Go

I Always Believed, That This Day Had To Come
There Was Not Enough Time
And Too Much Left Undone
I Could Never Deny
Just How Far We Had Come

I've Got So Much Love
So Much Love
So Much Love
So Much Love

Mirror lyrics:

So Much Love
So Much Love
So Much Love
I've Got So Much Love

Just How Far We Had Come
I Could Never Deny
And Too Much Left Undone
There Was Not Enough Time
I Always Believed, That This Day Had To Come

And Now You're Here, I Won't Let You Go
And How I Feel, You Just Don't Know
That's All I Ask, Just To Be With You
Another Day To Spend With You

So Much Love
So Much Love
So Much Love
I've Got So Much Love

Just How Far We Had Come
I Could Never Deny
And Too Much Left Undone
There Was Not Enough Time
I Always Believed, That This Day Had To Come

You Were Always A Part Of My Destiny
The Past Was Gone, When You Came To Me
My Heart Is Young, My Mind Is Clear
But Now You're Here

I Should Have Known, That You Needed Me
I Should Have Felt, What I Didn't See
They Fade Away Like Winter Sun
Another Day Has Come and Gone

Relevant Tags:
SSo MMuch LLove o uch ove oS uMch oLve zo juch kove zSo jMuch kLove Szo Mjuch Lkove wo kuch oove wSo kMuch oLove Swo Mkuch Loove
do nuch pove dSo nMuch pLove Sdo Mnuch Lpove eo Muuch eSo Mch Lve Seo Mcuh Lvoe xo Mhch Lkve xSo Mhuch Sxo Muhch Lokve
ao M7ch L9ve aSo M7uch L9ove Sao Mu7ch Lo9ve Soo Mkch L0ve S L0ove So Mukch Lo0ve Sk Mich Llve Sko Miuch Llove Sok Muich Lolve
S9 M8ch Live S9o M8uch Liove So9 Mu8ch Loive S0 Mjch Lovve S0o Loe So0 Mujch Loev Sl Mych Lobe Slo Myuch Lobve

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