Adam Green
Sticky Ricki

Ricki, why are you so sticky?
Why are you fixed to every silly dancing man?
I can see you by the window plane
But for some reason,
It's really not that way at all for us
You claim to be such puzzling star
You tear it off and you stick it off.
Oh, I think you'd steal for me

You wear all my clothes, you sleep on my couch
Oh Sticky Ricki

I saw you last night, Ricki
With the sticky briefcase in your hand
conducting your dirty dealing
Was that not exactly what I just saw?

Mirror lyrics:

Was that not exactly what I just saw?
conducting your dirty dealing
With the sticky briefcase in your hand
I saw you last night, Ricki

Oh Sticky Ricki
You wear all my clothes, you sleep on my couch

Oh, I think you'd steal for me
You tear it off and you stick it off.
You claim to be such puzzling star
It's really not that way at all for us
But for some reason,
I can see you by the window plane
Why are you fixed to every silly dancing man?
Ricki, why are you so sticky?

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SSticky RRicki ticky icki tSicky iRcki zticky dicki zSticky dRicki Szticky Rdicki wticky 4icki wSticky 4Ricki Swticky R4icki
dticky gicki dSticky gRicki Sdticky Rgicki eticky ticki eSticky tRicki Seticky Rticki xticky 5icki xSticky 5Ricki Sxticky R5icki
aticky ficki aSticky fRicki Saticky Rficki Stticky eicki Sicky eRicki Sitcky Reicki Sficky Riicki Sfticky Rcki Stficky Rciki
S5icky Rjcki S5ticky Rjicki St5icky Rijcki Shicky R9cki Shticky R9icki Sthicky Ri9cki Syicky Rlcki Syticky Rlicki Styicky Rilcki
S6icky Rocki S6ticky Roicki St6icky Riocki Sgicky Rkcki Sgticky Rkicki Stgicky Rikcki Sricky R8cki Srticky R8icki Stricky Ri8cki
Stiicky Rucki Stcky Ruicki Stciky Riucki Stjcky Riccki Stjicky Riki Stijcky Rikci St9cky Rifki St9icky Rifcki Sti9cky Ricfki
Stlcky Rixki Stlicky Rixcki Stilcky Ricxki Stocky Rivki Stoicky Rivcki Stiocky Ricvki Stkcky Ridki Stkicky Ridcki Stikcky Ricdki

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