Painting Pictures

Painting pictures with my mind
Making memories using my eyes
Filling up my heart with golden stories
Who adds some spice to the rhythm of life

Welcome sunrise with the morning glory
I've changed my mind
There is no simple
I thought of me
I want to see
I want to feel my heartbeat so
With the world that you feel

I can feel the pressure pushing onto my heart
And it's teasing me
So scratch my itch and beat my drum
So i can start to begin what's begun

Painting pictures
Filling up my heart with golden stories

Painting pictures
Filling up my heart with golden stories

Running riots inside my soul
Fire burning and it's lighting me up
Scratch my itch and beat my drum
So I can finish what has begun

Painting pictures
Filling up my heart with golden stories

Painting pictures
Filling up my heart with golden stories

Mirror lyrics:

Filling up my heart with golden stories
Painting pictures

Filling up my heart with golden stories
Painting pictures

So I can finish what has begun
Scratch my itch and beat my drum
Fire burning and it's lighting me up
Running riots inside my soul

Filling up my heart with golden stories
Painting pictures

Filling up my heart with golden stories
Painting pictures

So i can start to begin what's begun
So scratch my itch and beat my drum
And it's teasing me
I can feel the pressure pushing onto my heart

With the world that you feel
I want to feel my heartbeat so
I want to see
I thought of me
There is no simple
I've changed my mind
Welcome sunrise with the morning glory

Who adds some spice to the rhythm of life
Filling up my heart with golden stories
Making memories using my eyes
Painting pictures with my mind

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Pa8nting Pidtures Pa8inting Pidctures Pai8nting Picdtures Paunting Picttures Pauinting Picures Paiunting Picutres
Painnting Picfures Paiting Paitning Pictfures Paimting Pic5ures Paimnting Pic5tures Painmting Pict5ures
Paihting Pichures Paihnting Pichtures Painhting Picthures Paijting Picyures Picytures Painjting Pictyures
Paibting Pic6ures Paibnting Pic6tures Painbting Pict6ures Paintting Picgures Paining Picgtures Painitng Pictgures
Painfing Picrures Painfting Picrtures Paintfing Pictrures Pain5ing Pictuures Pain5ting Pictres

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