Alanis Morissette
Spoon (with Dave Matthews Band)

Dave :
Spoon in spoon
Stirring my coffee
I thought of you
And turned to the gate
And on my way came
Up with the answers
I scratched my head
And the answers were gone.

From hand to hand
Wrist to the elbow
Red blood sand
Could Dad be God?
Crosses cross-hung
Out like a wet rag
Forgive you, why?
You hung me out to dry.

Well, maybe I'm crazy
But laughing out loud make the pain pass by
And maybe you're a little crazy
But laughing out loud make it all subside.

Holding, I'm holding
I'm still falling
I'm still falling.

Spoon in spoon
Stirring my coffee
I thought of this
And turned to the gate
But on my way -
Lightning and thunder
I hid my head
And the storm slipped away.

Well, maybe I'm crazy
But laughing out loud make it all pass by
And maybe you're a little crazy
Still, laughing out loud make it all all right.

Laughing out loud.

Alanis :
From time to time
Minutes and hours
Some move ahead while
Some lag behind
It's like
The balloon that rise and then vanish
This drop of hope that falls from his eyes.

Dave :
Spoon in spoon
Stirring my coffee
I think of this
And turn to go away
But as I walk
There're voices behind me saying
Sinners sin
Come now and play.

Laughing out loud.

Come now and play.

Mirror lyrics:

Come now and play.

Laughing out loud.

Come now and play.
Sinners sin
There're voices behind me saying
But as I walk
And turn to go away
I think of this
Stirring my coffee
Spoon in spoon
Dave :

This drop of hope that falls from his eyes.
The balloon that rise and then vanish
It's like
Some lag behind
Some move ahead while
Minutes and hours
From time to time
Alanis :

Laughing out loud.

Still, laughing out loud make it all all right.
And maybe you're a little crazy
But laughing out loud make it all pass by
Well, maybe I'm crazy

And the storm slipped away.
I hid my head
Lightning and thunder
But on my way -
And turned to the gate
I thought of this
Stirring my coffee
Spoon in spoon

I'm still falling.
I'm still falling
Holding, I'm holding

But laughing out loud make it all subside.
And maybe you're a little crazy
But laughing out loud make the pain pass by
Well, maybe I'm crazy

You hung me out to dry.
Forgive you, why?
Out like a wet rag
Crosses cross-hung
Could Dad be God?
Red blood sand
Wrist to the elbow
From hand to hand

And the answers were gone.
I scratched my head
Up with the answers
And on my way came
And turned to the gate
I thought of you
Stirring my coffee
Spoon in spoon
Dave :

Relevant Tags:
SSpoon ((with DDave MMatthews BBand) poon with ave atthews and) pSoon w(ith aDve aMtthews aBnd) zpoon (wwith xave jatthews vand) zSpoon (ith xDave jMatthews vBand)
Szpoon (iwth Dxave Mjatthews Bvand) wpoon (aith eave katthews gand) wSpoon (awith eDave kMatthews gBand) Swpoon (waith Deave Mkatthews Bgand) dpoon (3ith fave natthews nand)
dSpoon (3with fDave nMatthews nBand) Sdpoon (w3ith Dfave Mnatthews Bnand) epoon (dith rave Maatthews hand) eSpoon (dwith rDave Mtthews hBand) Sepoon (wdith Drave Mtathews Bhand)
xpoon (eith cave Mztthews Baand) xSpoon (ewith cDave Mzatthews Bnd) Sxpoon (weith Dcave Maztthews Bnad) apoon (sith save Mqtthews Bznd) aSpoon (swith sDave Mqatthews Bzand)
Sapoon (wsith Dsave Maqtthews Baznd) Sppoon (2ith Daave Mstthews Bqnd) Soon (2with Dve Msatthews Bqand) Sopon (w2ith Dvae Mastthews Baqnd) S0oon (qith Dzve Mwtthews Bsnd)
S0poon (qwith Dzave Mwatthews Bsand) Sp0oon (wqith Dazve Mawtthews Basnd) Sloon (wiith Dqve Mxtthews Bwnd) Slpoon (wth Dqave Mxatthews Bwand) Sploon (wtih Daqve Maxtthews Bawnd)
Sooon (wjth Dsve Mattthews Bxnd) Sopoon (wjith Mathews Bxand) Spooon (wijth Dasve Matthews Baxnd) (w9th Dwve Mafthews Bannd) Spon (w9ith Dwave Maftthews Bad)
Spoon (wi9th Dawve Matfthews Badn) Spkon (wlth Dxve Ma5thews Bamd) Spkoon (wlith Ma5tthews Bamnd) Spokon (wilth Daxve Mat5thews Banmd) Sp9on (woth Davve Mahthews Bahd)
Sp9oon (woith Dae Mahtthews Bahnd) Spo9on (wioth Daev Maththews Banhd) Sp0on (wkth Dabe Maythews Bajd) (wkith Dabve Maytthews Bajnd) Spo0on (wikth Davbe Matythews Banjd)
Splon (w8th Dace Ma6thews Babd) (w8ith Dacve Ma6tthews Babnd) Spolon (wi8th Davce Mat6thews Banbd) Spion (wuth Dage Magthews Bandd) Spioon (wuith Dagve Magtthews Ban)
Spoion (wiuth Davge Matgthews Ban)d (witth Dafe Marthews Banx) (wih Dafve Martthews Banxd) Spono (wiht Davfe Matrthews Bandx) Spokn (wifh Davee Bane)
(wifth Dav Baned) Spookn (witfh Dave Mathtews Bande) Spo9n (wi5h Davs Matfhews Banf) (wi5th Davse Banfd) Spoo9n (wit5h Daves Mattfhews Bandf)
Spo0n (wihh Dav3 Mat5hews Banr) (wihth Dav3e Banrd) Spoo0n (withh Dave3 Matt5hews Bandr) Spoln (wiyh Davf Mathhews Banc) (wiyth Bancd)
Spooln (wityh Davef Matthhews Bandc) Spoin (wi6h Davr Matyhews Bans) (wi6th Davre Bansd) Spooin (wit6h Daver Mattyhews Bands) Spoonn (wigh Dav4 Mat6hews Band))
Spoo (wigth Dav4e Band (witgh Dave4 Matt6hews Band) Spoom (wirh Davd Matghews

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