Alanis Morissette
There Are Worse Things I Could Do

There are worse things I could do, than go with a boy or two
Even though the neighborhood thinks I'm trashy and no good
I suppose it could be true, but there are worse things I could do
I could flirt with all the guys, smile at them and bat my eyes
Press against them when we dance, make them think they stand a chance

Then refuse to see it through, that's a thing I'd never do

I could stay home every night, wait around for mr. right

Take cold showers every day, and throw my life away
On a dream that won't come true
I could hurt someone like me, out of spite and jealously
I don't steal and I don't lie, but I can feel and I can cry
A fact I'll bet you never knew
But to cry in front of you, that's the worst thing I could do

Mirror lyrics:

But to cry in front of you, that's the worst thing I could do
A fact I'll bet you never knew
I don't steal and I don't lie, but I can feel and I can cry
I could hurt someone like me, out of spite and jealously
On a dream that won't come true
Take cold showers every day, and throw my life away

I could stay home every night, wait around for mr. right

Then refuse to see it through, that's a thing I'd never do

Press against them when we dance, make them think they stand a chance
I could flirt with all the guys, smile at them and bat my eyes
I suppose it could be true, but there are worse things I could do
Even though the neighborhood thinks I'm trashy and no good
There are worse things I could do, than go with a boy or two

Relevant Tags:
TThere AAre WWorse TThings II CCould DDo here re orse hings ould o hTere rAe oWrse hTings I oCuld oD fhere zre aorse fhings j fould xo fThere zAre aWorse fThings jI fCould xDo
Tfhere Azre Waorse Tfhings Ij Cfould Dxo 5here qre 3orse 5hings 9 xould eo 5There qAre 3Worse 5Things 9I xCould eDo T5here Aqre W3orse T5hings I9 Cxould Deo hhere sre dorse hhings l vould fo
hThere sAre dWorse hThings lI vCould fDo Thhere Asre Wdorse Thhings Il Cvould Dfo yhere wre eorse yhings o dould ro yThere wAre eWorse yThings oI dCould rDo Tyhere Awre Weorse Tyhings Io Cdould Dro
6here xre sorse 6hings k Coould co 6There xAre sWorse 6Things kI Culd cDo T6here Axre Wsorse T6hings Ik Cuold Dco ghere Arre 2orse ghings 8 Ckuld so gThere Ae 2Worse gThings 8I Ckould sDo
Tghere Aer W2orse Tghings I8 Cokuld Dso rhere Ade qorse rhings u C9uld Doo rThere Adre qWorse rThings uI C9ould D Trhere Arde Wqorse Trhings Iu Co9uld Do A4e Woorse C0uld Dk
Tere A4re Wrse Tings C0ould Dko Tehre Ar4e Wrose Tihngs Co0uld Dok Tjere Age Wkrse Tjings Cluld D9 Tjhere Agre Wkorse Tjhings Clould D9o Thjere Arge Wokrse Thjings Coluld Do9
Tuere Ate W9rse Tuings Ciuld D0 Tuhere Atre W9orse Tuhings Ciould D0o Thuere Arte Wo9rse Thuings Coiuld Do0 Tnere A5e W0rse Tnings Couuld Dl Tnhere A5re W0orse Tnhings Cold Dlo
Thnere Ar5e Wo0rse Thnings Colud Dol Tbere Afe Wlrse Tbings Cohld Di Tbhere Afre Wlorse Tbhings Cohuld Dio Thbere Arfe Wolrse Thbings Couhld Doi Tgere Aee Wirse Tgings Co7ld
Aere Wiorse Co7uld Thgere Aree Woirse Thgings Cou7ld Tyere Worrse Tyings Cokld Ar Wose Thyere Are Wosre Thyings Coukld
Theere Ars Wodse Thiings Coild Thre Arse Wodrse Thngs Three Ares Wordse Thnigs Couild Thsre Ar3 Wo4se Thjngs Co8ld Thsere Ar3e Wo4rse Co8uld
Thesre Are3 Wor4se Thijngs Cou8ld Th3re Arf Wogse Th9ngs Cojld Th3ere Wogrse Th9ings Cojuld The3re Aref Worgse Thi9ngs Coujld Thfre Arr Wotse Thlngs Coyld
Thfere Wotrse Thlings Coyuld Thefre Arer Wortse Thilngs Couyld Thrre Ar4 Wo5se Thongs Coulld Threre Wo5rse Thoings Coud

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