Albert Collins
Put The Shoe On The Other Foot [version]

Put your shoe on the other foot

You can walk just like me

Put your shoe on another foot

You can walk just like me

Walkin' an' a talkin'

See an' feel a just like me

Put your hand in another glove

You can feel just like me

Put your hand in another glove

You can feel a just like me

Walkin' an' a talkin'

See an' feel a just like me

Put your shoes on, baby

Put your eye on another view

You can see just like me

Hey, put your eye on another view

You can see just like me

Walkin' an' a talkin'

See an' feel a just like me

Put your tongue on another word

You can talk just like me

Put your tongue on another word

You can talk just like me

Walkin' an' a talkin'

See an' feel a just like me

Whoa, whoa, whoa, ho

Always talkin' all the time

Whoa, whoa, whoa, ho

Walk on, baby

Walkin' an' a talkin'

See an' feel a just like me

Whoa, whoa, whoa ho

Ooh, ooh

Mirror lyrics:

Ooh, ooh

Whoa, whoa, whoa ho

See an' feel a just like me

Walkin' an' a talkin'

Walk on, baby

Whoa, whoa, whoa, ho

Always talkin' all the time

Whoa, whoa, whoa, ho

See an' feel a just like me

Walkin' an' a talkin'

You can talk just like me

Put your tongue on another word

You can talk just like me

Put your tongue on another word

See an' feel a just like me

Walkin' an' a talkin'

You can see just like me

Hey, put your eye on another view

You can see just like me

Put your eye on another view

Put your shoes on, baby

See an' feel a just like me

Walkin' an' a talkin'

You can feel a just like me

Put your hand in another glove

You can feel just like me

Put your hand in another glove

See an' feel a just like me

Walkin' an' a talkin'

You can walk just like me

Put your shoe on another foot

You can walk just like me

Put your shoe on the other foot

Relevant Tags:
PPut TThe SShoe OOn TThe OOther FFoot [[version] ut he hoe n he ther oot version] uPt hTe hSoe nO hTe tOher oFot v[ersion]
0ut fhe zhoe kn fhe kther coot [vversion] 0Put fThe zShoe kOn fThe kOther cFoot [ersion] P0ut Tfhe Szhoe Okn Tfhe Okther Fcoot [evrsion]
lut 5he whoe 9n 5he 9ther root [bersion] lPut 5The wShoe 9On 5The 9Other rFoot [bversion] Plut T5he Swhoe O9n T5he O9ther Froot [vbersion]
out hhe dhoe 0n hhe 0ther goot [cersion] oPut hThe dShoe 0On hThe 0Other gFoot [cversion] Pout Thhe Sdhoe O0n Thhe O0ther Fgoot [vcersion]
Puut yhe ehoe ln yhe lther toot [gersion] Pt yThe eShoe lOn yThe lOther tFoot [gversion] Ptu Tyhe Sehoe Oln Tyhe Olther Ftoot [vgersion]
Pht 6he xhoe in 6he ither voot [fersion] Phut 6The xShoe iOn 6The iOther vFoot [fversion] Puht T6he Sxhoe Oin T6he Oither Fvoot [vfersion]
P7t ghe ahoe Onn ghe Otther doot [veersion] P7ut gThe aShoe O gThe Oher dFoot [vrsion] Pu7t Tghe Sahoe On Tghe Ohter Fdoot [vresion]
Pkt rhe Shhoe Om rhe Ofher Fooot [vsrsion] Pkut rThe Soe Omn rThe Ofther Fot [vsersion] Pukt Trhe Sohe Onm Trhe Otfher Foot [vesrsion]
Pit Sjoe Oh O5her Fkot [v3rsion] Piut Te Sjhoe Ohn Te O5ther Fkoot [v3ersion] Puit Teh Shjoe Onh Teh Ot5her Fokot [ve3rsion]
P8t Tje Suoe Oj Tje Ohher F9ot [vfrsion] P8ut Tjhe Suhoe Ojn Tjhe Ohther F9oot Pu8t Thje Shuoe Onj Thje Othher Fo9ot [vefrsion]
Pjt Tue Snoe Ob Tue Oyher F0ot [vrrsion] Pjut Tuhe Snhoe Obn Tuhe Oyther F0oot [vrersion] Pujt Thue Shnoe Onb Thue Otyher Fo0ot [verrsion]
Pyt Tne Sboe Tne O6her Flot [v4rsion] Pyut Tnhe Sbhoe Tnhe O6ther Floot [v4ersion] Puyt Thne Shboe Thne Ot6her Folot [ve4rsion]
Putt Tbe Sgoe Tbe Ogher Fiot [vdrsion] Pu Tbhe Sghoe Tbhe Ogther Fioot [vdersion] Put Thbe Shgoe Thbe Otgher Foiot [vedrsion]
Puf Tge Syoe Tge Orher [vwrsion] Puft Syhoe Orther [vwersion] Putf Thge Shyoe Thge Otrher Foto [vewrsion]
Pu5 Tye Shooe Tye Fokt Pu5t She Oter [vesion] Put5 Thye Sheo Thye Otehr Fookt [vesrion]
Puh Thee Shke Thee Otjer Fo9t [vedsion] Th Shkoe Th Otjher Puth The Shoke The Othjer Foo9t [verdsion]
Puy Ths Sh9e Ths Otuer Fo0t [ve4sion] Thse Sh9oe Thse Otuher Puty Thes Sho9e Thes Othuer Foo0t [ver4sion]
Pu6 Th3 Sh0e Th3 Otner Folt [vegsion] Pu6t Th3e Sh0oe Th3e Otnher [vegrsion] Put6 The3 Sho0e The3 Othner Foolt [vergsion]
Pug Thf Shle Thf Otber Foit [vetsion] Pugt Thfe Shloe Thfe Otbher [vetrsion] Putg Thef Shole Thef Othber Fooit [vertsion]
Pur Thr Shie Thr Otger Foott [ve5sion] Purt Thre Shioe Thre Foo [ve5rsion] Putr Ther Shoie Ther Othger [ver5sion]
Th4 Shoee Th4 Otyer Foof [vefsion] Th4e Sho Th4e Fooft The4 Shoe The4 Othyer Footf [verfsion]
Thd Shos Thd Otheer Foo5 [veesion] Thde Shose Thde Othr Foo5t Thed Shoes Thed Othre Foot5 [veresion]
Thw Sho3 Thw Othsr Fooh [verssion]

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