Albert King
Blues At Sunrise

We're gonna take ya way back, ha ha
I said we're gonna take ya way back [Yeah!]
Ha, ha
(Let's start!)
When the sunrise in the east, lover
It set deeply in the west
Oh, turn my organ down a-lil' bit so I can croon a lil' bit on ya)
Oh, the sunrise in the east
It set deeply in the west
I've been lookin' for my lover
An' I haven't found her yet
I'm gonna call up China
An' see if my woman's over there
Well, I'm gonna call up China
An' see if my woman's over there
You know, I've searched the whole world over, Lord
I can't find my lover, nowhere (hey-ya)
She won't write me no letter
She won't even call me on the telephone
No, she won't write me no letter
She won't even call me on the telephone

You know I haven't had no real good lovin'
Since that gal-a mine been gone
I can't see my, engineer
Hey, somebody! (hey, hey)
Where's Mister ...
Well, Ooh!)
Someday baby, hahahaha
You're gonna want me, like I want you
Oh, someday baby, you're gonna want me, like I want you
But when you call me long distance, darlin'
I'll say I have nothing for you to do
Someday baby, you're gonna want me, like I want you
Hey, someday baby, you're gonna want me, like I want you
Oh, but when ya call me on the phone, angel
I'll say I have nothin' for you to do
Woo, thank you!

Mirror lyrics:

Woo, thank you!
I'll say I have nothin' for you to do
Oh, but when ya call me on the phone, angel
Hey, someday baby, you're gonna want me, like I want you
Someday baby, you're gonna want me, like I want you
I'll say I have nothing for you to do
But when you call me long distance, darlin'
Oh, someday baby, you're gonna want me, like I want you
You're gonna want me, like I want you
Someday baby, hahahaha
Well, Ooh!)
Where's Mister ...
Hey, somebody! (hey, hey)
I can't see my, engineer
Since that gal-a mine been gone
You know I haven't had no real good lovin'

She won't even call me on the telephone
No, she won't write me no letter
She won't even call me on the telephone
She won't write me no letter
I can't find my lover, nowhere (hey-ya)
You know, I've searched the whole world over, Lord
An' see if my woman's over there
Well, I'm gonna call up China
An' see if my woman's over there
I'm gonna call up China
An' I haven't found her yet
I've been lookin' for my lover
It set deeply in the west
Oh, the sunrise in the east
Oh, turn my organ down a-lil' bit so I can croon a lil' bit on ya)
It set deeply in the west
When the sunrise in the east, lover
(Let's start!)
Ha, ha
I said we're gonna take ya way back [Yeah!]
We're gonna take ya way back, ha ha

Relevant Tags:
BBlues AAt SSunrise lues t unrise lBues tA uSnrise vlues zt zunrise vBlues zAt zSunrise Bvlues Azt Szunrise glues qt wunrise
gBlues qAt wSunrise Bglues Aqt Swunrise nlues st dunrise nBlues sAt dSunrise Bnlues Ast Sdunrise hlues wt eunrise hBlues wAt eSunrise
Bhlues Awt Seunrise Bllues xt xunrise Bues xAt xSunrise Bules Axt Sxunrise Bkues Att aunrise Bklues A aSunrise Blkues At Saunrise
Boues Af Suunrise Bolues Aft Snrise Bloues Atf Snurise Bpues A5 Shnrise Bplues A5t Shunrise Blpues At5 Suhnrise Bluues Ah S7nrise
Bles Aht S7unrise Bleus Ath Su7nrise Blhes Ay Sknrise Blhues Ayt Skunrise Bluhes Aty Suknrise Bl7es A6 Sinrise Bl7ues A6t Siunrise
Blu7es At6 Suinrise Blkes Ag S8nrise Agt S8unrise Blukes Atg Su8nrise Blies Ar Sjnrise Bliues Art Sjunrise Bluies Atr Sujnrise
Bl8es Synrise Bl8ues Syunrise Blu8es Suynrise Bljes Sunnrise Bljues Surise Blujes Surnise Blyes Sumrise
Blyues Sumnrise Bluyes Sunmrise Bluees Suhrise Blus Bluse Sunhrise Bluss Sujrise Bluses
Bluess Sunjrise Blu3s Subrise Blu3es Subnrise Blue3s Sunbrise Blufs Sunrrise Blufes Sunise Bluefs Sunirse
Blurs Sundise Blures Sundrise Bluers Sunrdise Blu4s Sun4ise Blu4es Sun4rise Blue4s Sunr4ise Bluds Sungise
Bludes Sungrise Blueds Sunrgise Bluws Suntise Bluwes Suntrise

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