Adam Brand
Ready For Love

Oh Yeah
Are You Ready For Love

Thought That I Would Never Love Another
Til The Day My Eyes, Saw You, Now I
I Feel Like A Giddy Little Kid In A Candy Store, And I, Want More
I'm Thinking That You Feel It But I Need To Be Sure

Are You Ready For Love, Do You Have Enough
I Can Take It All, Can You Give It Up
Baby, Are You Ready For Love
Are You Pickin' Up What I'm Throwin' Down
Cuz If You Ain't, Tell Me Now
Baby, Are You Ready For Love

Oh Yeah
I'm Counting Every Minute Til I Get Another Kiss, From You
Thats Right, Another Kiss, From You
I Admit It I'm A Little Bit Afraid, But I'm Gona Try
Cuz This, Is Just So Right
Don't Waste Another Moment
Baby, Tell Me Tonight

Are You Ready For Love, Do You Have Enough
I Can Take It All, Can You Give It Up
Baby, Are You Ready For Love
Are You Pickin' Up What I'm Throwin' Down
Cuz If You Ain't, Tell Me Now
Baby, Are You Ready For Love

Oh Yeah, Yeah
You Better Listen Cuz I'm Serious

Are You Ready For Love, Do You Have Enough
I Can Take It All, Can You Give It Up
Baby, Are You Ready For Love
Are You Pickin' Up What I'm Throwin' Down
Cuz If You Ain't, Tell Me Now
Baby, Are You Ready For Love


Are You Ready For Love, Do You Have Enough
I Can Take It All, Can You Give It Up
Baby, Are You Ready For Love
Are You Pickin' Up What I'm Throwin' Down
Cuz If You Ain't, Tell Me Now
Baby, Are You Ready For Love

Oh Baby, I'm Ready For Love
Ready Ready, Ready For Love
Are You Ready, Ready For Love
Baby, Are You Ready For Love

Mirror lyrics:

Baby, Are You Ready For Love
Are You Ready, Ready For Love
Ready Ready, Ready For Love
Oh Baby, I'm Ready For Love

Baby, Are You Ready For Love
Cuz If You Ain't, Tell Me Now
Are You Pickin' Up What I'm Throwin' Down
Baby, Are You Ready For Love
I Can Take It All, Can You Give It Up
Are You Ready For Love, Do You Have Enough


Baby, Are You Ready For Love
Cuz If You Ain't, Tell Me Now
Are You Pickin' Up What I'm Throwin' Down
Baby, Are You Ready For Love
I Can Take It All, Can You Give It Up
Are You Ready For Love, Do You Have Enough

You Better Listen Cuz I'm Serious
Oh Yeah, Yeah

Baby, Are You Ready For Love
Cuz If You Ain't, Tell Me Now
Are You Pickin' Up What I'm Throwin' Down
Baby, Are You Ready For Love
I Can Take It All, Can You Give It Up
Are You Ready For Love, Do You Have Enough

Baby, Tell Me Tonight
Don't Waste Another Moment
Cuz This, Is Just So Right
I Admit It I'm A Little Bit Afraid, But I'm Gona Try
Thats Right, Another Kiss, From You
I'm Counting Every Minute Til I Get Another Kiss, From You
Oh Yeah

Baby, Are You Ready For Love
Cuz If You Ain't, Tell Me Now
Are You Pickin' Up What I'm Throwin' Down
Baby, Are You Ready For Love
I Can Take It All, Can You Give It Up
Are You Ready For Love, Do You Have Enough

I'm Thinking That You Feel It But I Need To Be Sure
I Feel Like A Giddy Little Kid In A Candy Store, And I, Want More
Til The Day My Eyes, Saw You, Now I
Thought That I Would Never Love Another

Are You Ready For Love
Oh Yeah

Relevant Tags:
RReady FFor LLove eady or ove eRady oFr oLve deady cor kove dReady cFor kLove Rdeady Fcor Lkove 4eady ror oove 4Ready rFor oLove
R4eady Fror Loove geady gor pove gReady gFor pLove Rgeady Fgor Lpove teady tor tReady tFor Lve Rteady Ftor Lvoe 5eady vor Lkve
5Ready vFor R5eady Fvor Lokve feady dor L9ve fReady dFor L9ove Rfeady Fdor Lo9ve eeady Foor L0ve eReady Fr L0ove Reeady Fro Lo0ve
Fkr Llve Rady Fkor Llove Raedy Fokr Lolve Rsady F9r Live Rseady F9or Liove Resady Fo9r Loive R3ady F0r Lovve R3eady F0or Loe
Re3ady Fo0r Loev Rfady Flr Lobe Flor Lobve Refady Folr Lovbe Rrady Fir Loce Rready Fior Locve Rerady Foir Lovce R4ady Forr Loge
Fo Logve Re4ady For Lovge Rdady Fod Lofe Fodr Lofve Redady Ford Lovfe Rwady Fo4 Lovee Rweady Fo4r Lov Rewady For4 Love
Reaady Fog Lovs Redy Fogr Lovse Reday Forg Loves Rezdy Fot Lov3

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