Adam Brand
One More Time Tonight

Touch me like I touch you
Hold me like I hold you
Kiss me like I kiss you
One more time tonight

Please say you won't leave me
Say you still need me
Say you still love me
One more time
One more time tonight

I'll dance all night with you
I'll do what you want me to
I'll you my love is true
One more time tonight

Touch me like I touch you
Hold me like I hold you
Kiss me like I kiss you
One more time
For all time
Til the end of time
For life

Mirror lyrics:

For life
Til the end of time
For all time
One more time
Kiss me like I kiss you
Hold me like I hold you
Touch me like I touch you

One more time tonight
I'll you my love is true
I'll do what you want me to
I'll dance all night with you

One more time tonight
One more time
Say you still love me
Say you still need me
Please say you won't leave me

One more time tonight
Kiss me like I kiss you
Hold me like I hold you
Touch me like I touch you

Relevant Tags:
OOne MMore TTime TTonight ne ore ime onight nOe oMre iTme oTnight kne jore fime fonight kOne jMore fTime fTonight Okne Mjore Tfime Tfonight
9ne kore 5ime 5onight 9One kMore 5Time 5Tonight O9ne Mkore T5ime T5onight 0ne nore hime honight 0One nMore hTime hTonight O0ne Mnore Thime Thonight
lne Moore yime yonight lOne Mre yTime yTonight Olne Mroe Tyime Tyonight ine Mkre 6ime 6onight iOne 6Time 6Tonight Oine Mokre T6ime T6onight
Onne M9re gime gonight Oe M9ore gTime gTonight Oen Mo9re Tgime Tgonight Ome M0re rime ronight Omne M0ore rTime rTonight Onme Mo0re Trime Tronight
Ohe Mlre Tiime Toonight Ohne Mlore Tme Tnight Onhe Molre Tmie Tnoight Oje Mire Tjme Tknight Ojne Miore Tjime Tkonight Onje Moire Tijme Toknight
Obe Morre T9me T9night Obne Moe T9ime T9onight Onbe Moer Ti9me To9night Onee Mode Tlme T0night On Modre Tlime T0onight One Morde Tilme To0night
Ons Mo4e Tome Tlnight Onse Mo4re Toime Tlonight Ones Mor4e Tiome Tolnight On3 Moge Tkme Tinight On3e Mogre Tkime Tionight One3 Morge Tikme Toinight
Onf Mote T8me Tonnight Onfe Motre T8ime Toight Onef Morte Ti8me Toinght Onr Mo5e Tume Tomight Onre Mo5re Tuime Tomnight Oner Mor5e Tiume Tonmight
On4 Mofe Timme Tohight On4e Mofre Tie Tohnight One4 Morfe Tiem Tonhight Ond Moee Tije Tojight Onde Moere Tojnight Oned Moree Timje Tonjight
Onw Tike Tobight Onwe Mor Tobnight Onew More Timke Tonbight Mors Tine Toniight Morse Tinme Tonght Mores Timne Tongiht
Mor3 Timee Tonjght Mor3e Tim More3 Time Tonijght Morf Tims Ton9ght Timse Ton9ight Moref Times Toni9ght
Morr Tim3 Tonlght Tim3e Tonlight Morer Time3 Tonilght Mor4 Timf Tonoght

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