Adam & The Ants
Kiss The Drummer

In for a penny in, for a pound
If she walks by you, you better turn around
She wants sparkle and she don't give a damn
As well be hung for
A sheep than a lamb

So be her Daddy
She hits back
Kiss the drummer

Got to learn to laugh at this
Laugh and enjoy herself
Got to learn to laugh at this
Laugh and enjoy herself
Got to learn to laugh at this
Laugh and enjoy herself
Got to learn to laugh at this
Miss Fierce kiss the drummer

Little by little, bit by bit
Love stood laughing at this locksmith
She may be wrong, and she may be right
But barking dogs they
Seldom bite

So be her Daddy
She hits back
Kiss the drummer

Got to learn to laugh at this
Laugh and enjoy herself
Got to learn to laugh at this
Laugh and enjoy herself
Got to learn to laugh at this
Laugh and enjoy herself
Got to learn to laugh at this
Miss Fierce kiss the drummer

In the panic and the traumas
Miss Fierce puts on her
Fierce legwarmers

When men think big
And by golly they do
They don't wanna go crying
Boo-hooing at you

When men think big
And by golly they do
They don't wanna go crying
Boo-hooing at you

Mirror lyrics:

Boo-hooing at you
They don't wanna go crying
And by golly they do
When men think big

Boo-hooing at you
They don't wanna go crying
And by golly they do
When men think big

Fierce legwarmers
Miss Fierce puts on her
In the panic and the traumas

Miss Fierce kiss the drummer
Got to learn to laugh at this
Laugh and enjoy herself
Got to learn to laugh at this
Laugh and enjoy herself
Got to learn to laugh at this
Laugh and enjoy herself
Got to learn to laugh at this

Kiss the drummer
She hits back
So be her Daddy

Seldom bite
But barking dogs they
She may be wrong, and she may be right
Love stood laughing at this locksmith
Little by little, bit by bit

Miss Fierce kiss the drummer
Got to learn to laugh at this
Laugh and enjoy herself
Got to learn to laugh at this
Laugh and enjoy herself
Got to learn to laugh at this
Laugh and enjoy herself
Got to learn to laugh at this

Kiss the drummer
She hits back
So be her Daddy

A sheep than a lamb
As well be hung for
She wants sparkle and she don't give a damn
If she walks by you, you better turn around
In for a penny in, for a pound

Relevant Tags:
KKiss TThe DDrummer iss he rummer iKss hTe rDummer liss fhe xrummer lKiss fThe xDrummer Kliss Tfhe Dxrummer oiss 5he erummer
oKiss 5The eDrummer Koiss T5he Derummer miss hhe frummer mKiss hThe fDrummer Kmiss Thhe Dfrummer jiss yhe rrummer jKiss yThe rDrummer
Kjiss Tyhe Drrummer iiss 6he crummer iKiss 6The cDrummer Kiiss T6he Dcrummer ghe srummer Kss gThe sDrummer Ksis Tghe Dsrummer
Kjss rhe rThe Dummer Kijss Trhe Durmmer K9ss Ddummer K9iss Te Ddrummer Ki9ss Teh Drdummer Klss Tje D4ummer
Tjhe D4rummer Kilss Thje Dr4ummer Koss Tue Dgummer Tuhe Dgrummer Kioss Thue Drgummer Kkss Tne Dtummer Kkiss Tnhe Dtrummer
Kikss Thne Drtummer K8ss Tbe D5ummer K8iss Tbhe D5rummer Ki8ss Thbe Dr5ummer Kuss Tge Dfummer Kuiss Kiuss Thge Drfummer
Kisss Tye Deummer Kis Kiss Thye Dreummer Kizs Thee Druummer Kizss Th Drmmer Kiszs The Drmumer Kiws Ths Drhmmer
Kiwss Thse Drhummer Kisws Thes Druhmmer Kids Th3 Dr7mmer Kidss Th3e Dr7ummer Kisds The3 Dru7mmer Kies Thf Drkmmer Kiess Thfe Drkummer
Kises Thef Drukmmer Kixs Thr Drimmer Kixss Thre Driummer Kisxs Ther Druimmer Kias Th4 Dr8mmer Kiass Th4e Dr8ummer Kisas The4 Dru8mmer

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