Action Toolbelt
Trip And Fall

Wake up early, no time to waste Grab some food along the way to see me thru
Brush your hair back, from your face
I promise to come home again from work to you

Can't help wondering if it's my time
Always something calm I see in you
Constant dangers always on your mind

But I'll stand…so tall...for you

Alarm rings loudly turns my stomach sick
Never know exactly what it's all about
Fire's building, make it double quick
Running in as everyone's running out
Mass confusion all around, everything fades black to blue
Shout I love you as it crashes down

But I'll stand... so tall... for you
It's what I do

My broken heart will never stop beating for you
I hope the pride you feel tonight will see you thru to the end
Where we can meet again and start brand new

And I'll stand so tall for you
And I'll trip and fall for you
It's what I do

My broken heart will never stop beating for you
I hope the pride you feel tonight will see you thru to the end
Where we can meet again and start brand new

Mirror lyrics:

Where we can meet again and start brand new
I hope the pride you feel tonight will see you thru to the end
My broken heart will never stop beating for you

It's what I do
And I'll trip and fall for you
And I'll stand so tall for you

Where we can meet again and start brand new
I hope the pride you feel tonight will see you thru to the end
My broken heart will never stop beating for you

It's what I do
But I'll stand... so tall... for you

Shout I love you as it crashes down
Mass confusion all around, everything fades black to blue
Running in as everyone's running out
Fire's building, make it double quick
Never know exactly what it's all about
Alarm rings loudly turns my stomach sick

But I'll stand…so tall...for you

Constant dangers always on your mind
Always something calm I see in you
Can't help wondering if it's my time

I promise to come home again from work to you
Brush your hair back, from your face
Wake up early, no time to waste Grab some food along the way to see me thru

Relevant Tags:
TTrip AAnd FFall rip nd all rTip nAd aFll frip znd call fTrip zAnd cFall Tfrip Aznd Fcall 5rip qnd rall 5Trip qAnd rFall T5rip Aqnd Frall
hrip snd gall hTrip sAnd gFall Thrip Asnd Fgall yrip wnd tall yTrip wAnd tFall Tyrip Awnd Ftall 6rip xnd vall 6Trip xAnd vFall T6rip Axnd Fvall
grip Annd dall gTrip Ad dFall Tgrip Adn Fdall rrip Amd Faall rTrip Amnd Fll Trrip Anmd Flal Ahd Fzll Tip Ahnd Fzall Tirp Anhd Fazll
Tdip Ajd Fqll Tdrip Ajnd Fqall Trdip Anjd Faqll T4ip Abd Fsll T4rip Abnd Fsall Tr4ip Anbd Fasll Tgip Andd Fwll An Fwall Trgip And Fawll
Ttip Anx Fxll Ttrip Anxd Fxall Trtip Andx Faxll

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