Adam Faith
As You Like It

If you don't like the kooky way I comb my hair for you
And you don't like the look of the crazy pants
I wear for you
OK my darling, I'll change each pitch
I only wanna love you
As you like it

If you don't like the gang that I go around with
On the town
And you don't like the records I play
Because they bring you down
OK my darling, I'll have to quit
I only wanna love you
As you like it

If you're looking for a saint, dear
Betta warn you that you won't get far
I'm a man that's only human
I'm gonna change my ways for you
And love you as you are

‘Cause you don't realise
That I'm gonna make a fight for you
Just a look from your eyes
And I'd set the world alight for you
OK my darling, and now the fuse is lit
You know I'm gonna love you
As you like it

If you're looking for a saint, dear
Betta warn you that you won't get far
I'm a man that's only human
I'm gonna change my ways for you
And love you as you are

But you don't realise that I'm gonna make a fight for you
Just a look from your eyes
And I'd set the world alight for you
OK my darling, when the fuse is lit
You know I'm gonna love you
As you like it
As you like it
As you like it

Mirror lyrics:

As you like it
As you like it
As you like it
You know I'm gonna love you
OK my darling, when the fuse is lit
And I'd set the world alight for you
Just a look from your eyes
But you don't realise that I'm gonna make a fight for you

And love you as you are
I'm gonna change my ways for you
I'm a man that's only human
Betta warn you that you won't get far
If you're looking for a saint, dear

As you like it
You know I'm gonna love you
OK my darling, and now the fuse is lit
And I'd set the world alight for you
Just a look from your eyes
That I'm gonna make a fight for you
‘Cause you don't realise

And love you as you are
I'm gonna change my ways for you
I'm a man that's only human
Betta warn you that you won't get far
If you're looking for a saint, dear

As you like it
I only wanna love you
OK my darling, I'll have to quit
Because they bring you down
And you don't like the records I play
On the town
If you don't like the gang that I go around with

As you like it
I only wanna love you
OK my darling, I'll change each pitch
I wear for you
And you don't like the look of the crazy pants
If you don't like the kooky way I comb my hair for you

Relevant Tags:
AAs YYou LLike IIt s ou ike t sA oYu iLke tI zs gou kike jt zAs gYou kLike jIt Azs Ygou Lkike Ijt qs hou oike 9t qAs hYou oLike 9It
Aqs Yhou Loike I9t ss 6ou pike lt sAs 6You pLike lIt Ass Y6ou Lpike Ilt ws uou Liike ot wAs uYou Lke oIt Aws Yuou Lkie Iot xs 7ou Ljke kt
xAs 7You Ljike kIt Axs Y7ou Lijke Ikt jou L9ke 8t A jYou L9ike 8It As Yjou Li9ke I8t Az tou Llke ut tYou Llike uIt Asz Ytou Lilke Iut
Aw Yoou Loke Itt Yu I Asw Yuo Lioke It Ad Yku Lkke If Ads Ykou Ift Asd Yoku Likke Itf Ae Y9u L8ke I5 Aes Y9ou L8ike I5t
Ase Yo9u Li8ke It5 Ax Y0u Luke Ih Y0ou Luike Iht Asx Yo0u Liuke Ith

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