Across The Sky
Do You Dream Of Me

Dreams within the still of night
On wings of hope take flight inside of me
There upon some distant shore
We want for nothing more than what will be
And you and I, here we are
I wonder as we come this far

If I could only read your mind
Tell me the answer I would find
Do you dream of me?

Love has found a magic space
A deep and hidden place where time stands still
Now I hold you in my arms
You know you hold my heart and always will
And you and I, here we are
And it's a wonder that we've come this far

And after all that we've been through
You've leaned on me, I've leaned on you
Do you dream of me?
And when you're smiling in your sleep
Beyond the promises we keep
Do you dream of me?

If I could only read your mind
Tell me the answer I would find
Do you dream of me?
And when you're smiling in your sleep
Beyond the promises we keep
Do you dream of me?
And after all that we've been through
You've leaned on me, I've leaned on you
Do you dream of me?
Do you dream of me?

Mirror lyrics:

Do you dream of me?
Do you dream of me?
You've leaned on me, I've leaned on you
And after all that we've been through
Do you dream of me?
Beyond the promises we keep
And when you're smiling in your sleep
Do you dream of me?
Tell me the answer I would find
If I could only read your mind

Do you dream of me?
Beyond the promises we keep
And when you're smiling in your sleep
Do you dream of me?
You've leaned on me, I've leaned on you
And after all that we've been through

And it's a wonder that we've come this far
And you and I, here we are
You know you hold my heart and always will
Now I hold you in my arms
A deep and hidden place where time stands still
Love has found a magic space

Do you dream of me?
Tell me the answer I would find
If I could only read your mind

I wonder as we come this far
And you and I, here we are
We want for nothing more than what will be
There upon some distant shore
On wings of hope take flight inside of me
Dreams within the still of night

Relevant Tags:
DDo YYou DDream OOf MMe o ou ream f e oD oYu rDeam fO eM xo gou xream kf je xDo gYou xDream kOf jMe Dxo Ygou Dxream Okf Mje
eo hou eream 9f ke eDo hYou eDream 9Of kMe Deo Yhou Deream O9f Mke fo 6ou fream 0f ne fDo 6You fDream 0Of nMe Dfo Y6ou Dfream O0f Mne
ro uou rream lf Mee rDo uYou rDream lOf M Dro Yuou Drream Olf Me co 7ou cream if Ms cDo 7You cDream iOf Mse Dco Y7ou Dcream Oif Mes
so jou sream Off M3 sDo jYou sDream O M3e Dso Yjou Dsream Of Me3 Doo tou Oc Mf D tYou Deam Ocf Mfe Do Ytou Deram Ofc Mef
Dk Yoou Ddeam Or Mr Dko Yu Ddream Orf Mre Dok Yuo Drdeam Ofr Mer D9 Yku D4eam Og M4 D9o Ykou D4ream Ogf M4e Do9 Yoku Dr4eam Ofg Me4
D0 Y9u Dgeam Ot Md D0o Y9ou Dgream Otf Mde Do0 Yo9u Drgeam Oft Med Dl Y0u Dteam Ov Mw Dlo Y0ou Dtream Ovf Mwe Dol Yo0u Drteam Ofv Mew
Di Ylu D5eam Od Dio Ylou D5ream Odf Doi Yolu Dr5eam Ofd Yiu Dfeam Yiou Yoiu Drfeam
Youu Deeam Yo You Dreeam

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