
Why don't you come to me?
Why don't you realize?
My heart is breaking up.
My heart is breaking up.
Where are you coming from?
Why did you compromise?
I don't believe in that.
I don't believe in that.
I could just let you fall.
I could just watch you drown.

Why would you want to pull away?
Why would you want to lose that joy?
I don't believe in that.
I don't believe in that.
You know how your life has been before.
You know that emptiness won't cease.
I don't believe in that.
I don't believe in that.
I can't just let you fall,
I can't just watch you drown.
And I know you will see what he has planned.
I know you'll see what you have done.
It's hard to see the path to take,
but you know the truth.
Why don't you open up your eyes take a deep look inside your heart,
mine hurts because you walked away.
Why don't you open up your eyes,
take a deep look inside your heart,
mine hurts because you walked away..

Mirror lyrics:

mine hurts because you walked away..
take a deep look inside your heart,
Why don't you open up your eyes,
mine hurts because you walked away.
Why don't you open up your eyes take a deep look inside your heart,
but you know the truth.
It's hard to see the path to take,
I know you'll see what you have done.
And I know you will see what he has planned.
I can't just watch you drown.
I can't just let you fall,
I don't believe in that.
I don't believe in that.
You know that emptiness won't cease.
You know how your life has been before.
I don't believe in that.
I don't believe in that.
Why would you want to lose that joy?
Why would you want to pull away?

I could just watch you drown.
I could just let you fall.
I don't believe in that.
I don't believe in that.
Why did you compromise?
Where are you coming from?
My heart is breaking up.
My heart is breaking up.
Why don't you realize?
Why don't you come to me?

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