Ace Frehley
Dancin' With Danger

Frozen fingers on a coco wheel
Hot emotions that you can't conceal
Stay on the freeway
Take the chance of your life

Screamin' sirens cryin' in your ear
Flashin' red lights burnin' in tthe mirror
Come on step on it
Get them out of your sight


Can't be too cool, when you're dancin' with DANGER
Don't play the fool, when you're dancin' with DANGER

Runnin' lonely and your out of steam
Silent madness when you try to speak
Shattered pictures
Of a face you once knew




Mirror lyrics:




Of a face you once knew
Shattered pictures
Silent madness when you try to speak
Runnin' lonely and your out of steam

Don't play the fool, when you're dancin' with DANGER
Can't be too cool, when you're dancin' with DANGER


Get them out of your sight
Come on step on it
Flashin' red lights burnin' in tthe mirror
Screamin' sirens cryin' in your ear

Take the chance of your life
Stay on the freeway
Hot emotions that you can't conceal
Frozen fingers on a coco wheel

Relevant Tags:
DDancin' WWith DDanger ancin' ith anger aDncin' iWth aDnger xancin' aith xanger xDancin' aWith xDanger Dxancin' Waith Dxanger
eancin' 3ith eanger eDancin' 3With eDanger Deancin' W3ith Deanger fancin' dith fanger fDancin' dWith fDanger Dfancin' Wdith Dfanger
rancin' eith ranger rDancin' eWith rDanger Drancin' Weith Dranger cancin' sith canger cDancin' sWith cDanger Dcancin' Wsith Dcanger
sancin' 2ith sanger sDancin' 2With sDanger Dsancin' W2ith Dsanger Daancin' qith Daanger Dncin' qWith Dnger Dnacin' Wqith Dnager
Dzncin' Wiith Dznger Dzancin' Wth Dzanger Dazncin' Wtih Daznger Dqncin' Wjth Dqnger Dqancin' Wjith Dqanger Daqncin' Wijth Daqnger
Dsncin' W9th Dsnger W9ith Dasncin' Wi9th Dasnger Dwncin' Wlth Dwnger Dwancin' Wlith Dwanger Dawncin' Wilth Dawnger
Dxncin' Woth Dxnger Woith Daxncin' Wioth Daxnger Danncin' Wkth Dannger Dacin' Wkith Dager Dacnin' Wikth Dagner
Damcin' W8th Damger Damncin' W8ith Damnger Danmcin' Wi8th Danmger Dahcin' Wuth Dahger Dahncin' Wuith Dahnger Danhcin' Wiuth Danhger
Dajcin' Witth Dajger Dajncin' Wih Dajnger Danjcin' Wiht Danjger Dabcin' Wifh Dabger Dabncin' Wifth Dabnger Danbcin' Witfh Danbger
Danccin' Wi5h Dangger Danin' Wi5th Daner Danicn' Wit5h Danegr

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